Was there any phrase that induced more terror and apprehension, when you thought you had snuck in the house late at night than those five little words: not so fast, young lady …Sigh… Just when you thought maybe you got away with something.
Let’s just take a look at the happy family scene, taking place right now at the National Zoo Panda House…

Bubba: wait! why am i in trubble?
Oh, and one of my personal favorites: Do you know how much trouble you’re in??? Heh!
Panda On
Bob T Panda
I think Pinky asked the wrong question. Poor Bubba; he is such a sweet little bear.And poor
Mommee, in the throws of hormonal pregnancy melt down. What to do? What to do?
As IRL, there are no easy answers. But…um…all’s well that ends well, right?
I think I love “sulky Pinky” most! That first frame is priceless!
It is hard to resist “sulky Pinky”
But Bubba saved Six and Sebben! How could Mei ground him, too? Phooey!
Um…no good deed goes unpunished?
LOL … Is that what we call Blind Justice? Mei so afraid Bubba will get hurt she locks him in a tower? I’ll never forget my mother sitting in the dark waiting to yell at me when I got home. (and I was the good kid of the bunch)
Or mebbee she wanted him to keep on eye on Pinky. (And we all know how well that works!)
I do remember being told to call if I knew I was going to be late, but then I would get yelled at twice, so I quit calling. after all, this way, I’d only get yelled at once.
The decision on Mommee Mei is final.
And what is Mommy Mei going to do now that we know Bubba has superpowers?
She will retire to her room and have…um…mebbee a pitcher of Bootinis.