Yeah, you may think all those big eyed deer that you see in Disney movies are so sweet and adorable, but here on Whidbey, the deer are totally cheesed off at people and aren’t afraid to let you know what they REALLY think! I read of several instances in our local paper, where deer attacked both cats a dogs, and killed at least one dog and a cat.
Seriously, Bambi! get a grip!

Don’t get mad. Get even.
I don’t know. Maybe the average rate of one deer a day getting hit by a car was starting to make them mad!
Panda On, Deerie!
Bob T Panda
Payback can be a bitch. I just love Frank and Mikey. But not more than I love the pandas…especially Miss Pinky! (Whew! I had to act quickly to cover my comments before she saw them! LOL)
There have been many great bear stories! Frank and Mikey are working them up for ‘toons! Can’t let them get more popular than Pinky, though, can we?