Sorry for the false anticipation, for leading you on, leading you astray. Wait a minute! I’m proud to lead you astray, in a good pandy sort of way, of course! Today I am REALLY going to reveal who the Torch Bears for 2018 are! Honest! But first (OOOO! I KNEW she was going to do this!!!!) If you haven’t read my latest fractured fairy tale over on The Whidbey island Arts Council blog, you should do it NOW.
And now, without any further ado about nothing, Here are the TORCH BEARS!!!!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?
Viva Les Pandas
Bob T Panda
Ha! Well at least Six and Sebben won’t sell the torch … hopefully. But how in the world are they going to get to South Korea?
Actually, the torch bears are Yip and Jip, the Canadian Twinkies. But yeah. How ARE they going to get to South Korea? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!
Now why did I not remember Yip and Jip, those two Toronto Twinkies, Pinky visited and smuggled into the Zoo much to the consternation of Mommee, Daddee, The Director, Unka Justin, and just about everybody in the world!? Those little sweeties who snuggled with Unka Justin are perfect to be Torch Bears. They are sweet, trustworthy( no selling of the Torch for cuppycakes). Did I mention they snuggled with Unka Justin who is a picture of cuteness himself? Bravo on the choice!
Thank you. Pinky’s opinion aside, the TOTwinkies are the perfect choice! For all the reasons you mentioned, plus they are good friends to Bubba. And of course, soon they’ll be the Calgary Twinkies! Huzzah!
Hoozah to Jip and Yip for being the 2018 Torch Bears!!! I have no doubt that they’ll make us proud.
Question: What does Pinky have to do with this?? Did she pick them over who the original nominees were?
I think she was hoping to send Bubba and Ping off to be the Torch Bears. With a one way ticket. Fortunately Mommee got wind of Pinkies plan, and nixed the whole thing.