This is one of those days when I don’t really have a theme for the Sunday ‘toon round up. Yesterday the power went out on the entire island, and I am rarely prepared for the first power outage of the season. For instance, I don’t have my little propane stove, which works without electricity all ready to go. Don’t ask. Also, the batteries in my smoke detectors picked that very moment to tell me they needed to be replace.
The smoke detectors are hardwired into the electrical system, but have battery back ups for when the power goes out. On this occasion, they started beeping incessantly. WHICH THEY DID UNTIL THE POWER CAME BACK ON AT 1;30-ISH IN THE MORNING…
So, here goes nothing. I’m just going to look up random dates and see what strikes me as funny today.

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!
Lame Duck a’la Orange will not leave until he has shaken the Banky Pig dry…

Clear as mud!

Panda Cam Follies

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

I have extra frosting!

This is very scary, don’t you think?

Aw, Pinky…Bubba loves you!
Buh Bye, Mittens!

Do we HAVE to go?

Things are about as real as they can get.

Move over Ping! I’m coming in too!
Well, that’s today’s Sunday ‘toon round up! Pretty soon we’ll start with the December holiday classics. Now if we can just shoo that darn cat out of the White House…
*Speaking of funny….
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Everything is ALWAYS funny, thanks for the laughs. Hope things have improved on your end.
I have power, I have batteries, but I need ice cream. There are some things that are necessary for life as we know it. I need cupcakes too.