The orcas near the southern coast of Spain are at it again, sinking yachts in the seas near Gibraltar. And who can blame them? It must get kind of boring just swimming around, and before you know it, some millionaire is in the water, and all the orcas are laughing at them.
Personally, I think they were offended by the yacht’s name.

I hope this gave you a little relief from the NooZ of the day! We’ll be back on Tuesday with the next episode of Pandarella!
Be the Bear
Bob T #TeamOrca Sea Panda
ss tipandic. Love it
I *might* have used that before.
Why do I somehow imagine Pinky and her crew arriving to save the panda while singing on the good ship pandaopop?
It could happen.
This looks like a call to the Pandy Kindergarten is needed!
And as you know, nobody expects the panda kindergarten. (Who are sure to make everything a bit worse)
I actually think the orca playmates and the pandy kindergarten would have a lot of fun playing together! Or planning world domination. Either of which would be wonderful to watch.
Most likely it would fall into the “planning world domination” category. Are you sure you want them teaming up?
Gladys the orca and her friends have already started their summer season in the Strait of Gibraltar area:
OOO! I am so glad (!) to hear of Gladys’ name! I am team Gladys all the way! It is enrichment for the poor bored orcas. We had some orcas playing near my town, but alas, I was not there when they appeared. As far as I know, our local orcas have not taken to sinking boats. I hope no one tells them about your orcas.
Ha ha ha ha! (Not my fault if I’m repeating myself!)