The actual Olympics may have ended weeks ago, but time has no meaning here! Here with the final event, are our favorite pairs of twins, The Meihems and their…um…”differently behaved” younger zizzies, Six and Sebben!
Let the games begin!

We will now bid the Panda-O-Lympics a fond fare the well, for another 2 years. Who will the torch bears be this time? Perhaps Fleur and Snowy? Stay ‘tooned in to find out!
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
ooh, that aerial view of Pinky and the sled & pandis… it would be said a photo taken by a drone ;-))
Every once in a while I remember that I can do that!Alas! No gold medal this time for the US pandas, although Fleur, Snowy and Bebe Maurice got one in the pair and a half event for France.
We are now down to 14 available kitties! Felty kitties are very low maintenance, have I mentioned that?