Once again the day got away from me, so enjoy this bonus edition of gems from the archive. Offerings from Februarys past…

I *may* have attended a small but sincere protest gathering in Langley yesterday.

And 2025 version 2.0 of the F45 regime is worse still.

The Red Panda resistance will not be denied!


What’s a day without a visit from Pinky? (or Six and Sebben?)
Let’s face it. Things are getting really bad and they are going to get worse. Oh crap, I was trying not to say that, but it just slipped out. I’ll be back on Thursday, with the finished ‘toon I thought I’d get done today. Best laid plans and all.
If you need a really good laugh, please enjoy this SNL skit with some really star talent being as funny and raunchy as you could not believe. Woody Harrelson trying to keep from busting out laughing is priceless.
Be the Bear
Bob T hoping democracy is not over Panda
Could there be such a thing as an Elon bear? Don’t want to stir the pot, but. . .. . .
I wouldn’t think so. Bears have too much dignity and while they might eat you, they are cheerful whilst going about it. Or so I’ve heard.
I still believe that “Elmer” is an alien from another planet who was exiled here because he was too repulsive even for them. He constantly looks like he’s trying to adjust to his human form.
The sad part is, he could shed his skin and appear as a multi-tentacled roach like creature and Mittens wouldn’t blink an eye.
I suspect you are right about “Elmer”. I don’t know if I can bear to draw him, even to make fun of him. Maybe he could be a jumping bean.