….so here is Princess Pinky with a new episode! (Apologies to Mr. Wu, for taking over Mr. Wu Wednesday, but he was um…busy.)

Never say “No” to a Pinky!
Be the bear!
Remember, there are 9 more days to visit and pledge on Pandamorphosis on Kickstarter, and the same to have any Panda Chronicles Book purchases benefit Pandas International during February. Huzzah!!!!
Bob T. panda
Oh my, Pinky is in trouble…. Poor Mommee Mei. It’s so hard to be a parent these days. I vote to banish the wand.
Moma Mei can TRY to banish the wand, but I think Pinky will eventually get her way once again.
I don’t know what’s cuter – “poof poof poof” or “stamp stamp stamp” 🙂
I know…it’s really kind of a toss up. I feel a little bad (well, not bad enough NOT to do it) that I am turning Princess Pinky into such a little tyrant. Okay, not really. She is a princess, so what else could I do, except obey her every whim.
I think Princess Pinky needs to listen to Queen Mei! Maybe if Pinky stops biting Mommy, she can get some wand lessons from the queen?
Princess Pinky says, “huh? what is dis ‘stop bitey’ ting you speak of. Pinky likes to bite mommee. mommee won’t give pinky her magical wand back. mommee is bad.”