Over the river, through the woods and across the Atlantic we go, to visit some of our favorite pandas, those titans of the tartan, the Scottish Pandas, Lord and Lady MacBear. I just can’t get enough of these guys. And lest you be concerned that Mehitabel has been beset by bratty panda kindergarteners during the running of the pandas, she gets her own back today, as she pokes fun at the technique (or lack thereof) of boy pandas everywhere.

I just love the cub reporter.
Hope that you are having a happy Sunday, sitting around reading the sunday funnies with your panda, perhaps enjoying a cuppycake or two. (Or three)
Keep being the bear and Pandaing on! There are pandas around the web this week as I pay a return visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still on Thursday, May 8th with a post about continuing onward despite all the adversity that life throughs at us, and TOMORROW I appear on The Isle of the Arts show on Whidbey Air radio at 1PM PDST to talk about Kickstarter. (This is a return engagement, due to my recent bout of spring cold last week.) News flash: Apologies, but this is being postponed once again. (not my fault this time.) I will alert you when it is REALLY happening.

Panda On!
Bob T. Panda
Somehow I feel that unless Lady MacBear changes her attitude the pitter-patter of little panda feet will not be heard in Scotland. Maybe it’s the climate? Perhaps a short vacation to San Diego might do wonders.
Rumor has it that Lady MacBear has been looking at travel websites and keeps asking her keepers what the weather is like in San Diego. Unfortunately for Sunshine, she is only asking about one way tickets for one. Perhaps science will bestow a bundle of joy on the happy couple.
Considering Gao Gao’s latest surgery (testicle removal due to a tumor http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2014/may/06/San-Diego-zoo-Gao-Gao-panda-surgery), it may be best to send Sunshine there for a bit of a pep-talk. Or maybe even send Long Hui from Vienna to do some coaching since he has the *ahem* technique mastered and some free time this season.
I just read of Gao Gao’s surgery. Poor guy. But, despite his bad teeth, he is still the ultimate stud muffin. A visit from a few of the “guys” in need of a little coaching would do wonders for Sir Gao Gao’s recovery.
Exactly!!! Nothing can change how amazing Gao Gao is! He would do great in a career of teaching the boys how to do their bear-business.
I wonder if Le Le is blackmailing his keepers from posting about his reproductive prowess- I have yet to see any news on the Memphis front.
The folks in Memphis seem to let the pandas keep their private life private, although they did let out that They got them a “reproductive coach this year. Enquiring minds still want to know what that means!
Poor Yang Guang. He’s such a beautiful panda, handsome and funny. Any girl would be delighted with him, but keepers often say Tian Tian is a bit of a diva. And though San Diego undoubtedly has it’s charms, few cities that can rival Edinburgh for beauty and culture.
I agree with you about Edinburgh. Having had an opportunity several years ago to visit this fair city, I would take it over San Diego any day. who needs 358 days of sunshine a year, when you can have the Sir Walter Scotty Tower, not to mention castles to look at? The keepers told a rather embarrassing story about YG’s first attempts at courtship, and I’m afraid Lady MacBear has never forgiven him.
Maybe Sunshine needs to learn the bagpipes? I mean what panda – or Lady Panda – could resist!
That could do the trick, I’m sure. As you say, who could resist?
Ah, yes… The romantic strains of…bagpipes?
You should hear Stairway to Heaven played on a bagpipe. Very stirring! Not to mention, romantic.
Regarding the, um, “reproductive coach” in Memphis: See “Masters of Sex” on Showtime…to be continued next September
Uh oh…. we are sorry that we can’t watch this show, as due to a panda kindergarten…um…class project, they canceled our cable subscription and, in fact, removed all of our TVs. Sigh…they try to help, but the pandy kindy sometimes goes overboard. Hope LeLe’s coach doesn’t turn out to be one of them, or worse, Mehitabel.
Cats never need a “reproduction coach”. Quite the contrary 😉
Ha ha! that is so true, although the actual Mehitabel (as well as her cartoon alter ego, for all I know) was “fixed” at an early age. She would havee had beautiful kittens, but of course there are too many cats needing a home to allow her to multiply. “No one aske me, but on the other hand, I wouldn’t want to lose my kittenish figure.,” says Mehitabel.