I mean, do they dress up as a red panda? or maybe a tiger? This is serious, people! Pandas need to know what might be the best costume so that people give them the most stuff. Halloween is important to panda culture. who knew?
Princess Pinky really needs to know!

Darn those Meihems!!!!
I do want to mention that I drew this cartoon before I read the Cub Confidential post from Zoo Atlanta suggested that the twins were going to dress up as the other twin. Just saying. The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire has their finger…er…paw on the pulse of the panda community.
And Pinky has asked me to mention that her book is out, and you could just flip really fast through all the cartoons about the Meihems, so that you could just read the ones about Pinky. Hey, I just do what Pinky tells me to. Word to the wise, and all, Pinky must be obeyed.

It’s Pink, but still kinda, um…dangerous!
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
I think this is perfect. Just perfect! No better way to overcompensate for Pinky’s enormous ego than what Meihem2 have decided to do.
She does have an enormous ego, doesn’t she? I rather like it, of course. Oh, yeah…I don’t think I’m TOTALLY responsible for it though.
No you are definitely not b responsible for her ‘tude. There is the East Coast thing and the age difference between Tai and Pinky. SD and ZA just seems to pop them out. If Memphis ever has a a little girl, what a Southern Belle will we imagine her to be. And we’ll if Seattle gets a successfully breeding pair, a girl will be a feminist and a boy an animal activist. For now, Pinky, Meihem2 & Wu are just perfection. You have done good, bad English mine.
Whew, that’s a relief. My pandas speak to me, and tell me who they want to be. I wish that there would be a cub for Ya Ya and Le Le. They have waited too long. What a Southern belle she would be! Or perhaps an elvis impersonator.
And pandas in Seattle? I might have to leave my island stronghold once in a while.
Da Sooperpanna finks dat da widdle sistur Pinkie shood go as her favorite big brudder hero astwonaut dood.
Maybe so, but I think she has something a little more feminine in mind.
pain to see Pinky so upset! :-((
Don’t worry, she gets over these things quickly (and then gets even.)
Hmmm….Have you seen the new “toy” that Pinky had today? The one that resembles, um, a tire iron or crow bar? Maybe that is part of her “costume”? Be afraid, be very afraid…
No, um…they gave pinky a crowbar? Yes, I am very afraid. What were they thinking?
I was watching the little miss just now enjoying her apple. Next thing I see is mamma coming up the rock to steal it from her. That must have been some apple.
PP: yeah, mommee stole pinky’s apple. Dis should NOT BE ALLOWED, who do i talk to ’bout dis?
Those Meihems are clever little pandas! Brilliant Halloween Trick.
Love Pinky yelling for her mommee!! I can’t wait to see what her Halloween outfit will be 🙂
Some people hate it when I get Pinky all upset, but really, it’s just who Pinky is. Yell now, say “oops! Sorry…” Later. Sides, she’s more fun to draw when she’s mad or upset. Pinky definitely where her emotions on her paws.
Well her screaming for her mommee is one of the cutest things I’ve seen!
And really, the Meihems were once cute little boy cubbies with adorable pyjamas and now they’re girl scouts thanks to Pinky. A little bit of angst won’t hurt that wand waving Princess 🙂
Yes, the Meihems should remember they used to be boys until Pinky poofed them. A little gratitude is in order, perhaps?
A point I hadn’t considered before 🙂
But now that I think about it – gratitude is definitely in order!