8 thoughts on “Pandarella 19

  1. kodechrome

    I am so into this Panderella story. Last episode we got super interesting angles in every panel, this episode some beautiful stage-setting scenery…. and all complete with a little panda kibbitzing!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Glad you are enjoying Pandarella! I think maybe next week he arrives at the Panda palooza. It’s about time, huh?

  2. Jeannie Meyer

    As always, you are me. The art is beautiful and I can imagine Bikkie is probably awed (though like any little one the “are we there yet” is perfect.). Now we get to see who the bootiful princess he dances with is! It may be a bit awkward if she’s a red panda though…

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      It is somewhat embarrassing that it took Bikkie…um…I mean Pandarella 20 episodes to get to the ball. I guess we will find out more (but not all!) next week!


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