Here we are again, while we try not to gnash our teeth as we read of the idiocy of various state governments outlawing private businesses from having vaccine or mask mandates, or forbidding of teaching any history does not center white men as paragons of virtue. I have worn out the “WTF” keys and the “FFS” keys on my keyboard.
But we have the next installment of The Wizard of Wu’s encore presentation to share with you, so, let’s unclench our jaws, have a bootini and some poppy corn and enjoy the show!

Well that wraps up our annual Halloween Season Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu! We hope you enjoyed it!
Be the bear, and tune in next week for more of our NEW story, The Bears of The Baskervilles, as well as what happened to Bob when he met up with the zebras!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda