Oh, Pinky…did you really think that you would not be found out when you brought underaged pandas across international borders? The wrath of Mommee may be the least of your problems! How does it look for a presidential candidate to appropriate pandas that do not belong to you, for your own evil purposes?
Do you think this is presidential behavior?????
Ahem….There may be another panda candidate running for office this year, if maybe you were thinking that Pinky was one of those extremist candidates. Hey! Why not vote for Bob?

Ooooh! Did Daddee actually yell at Pinky?
Ever the politician, did you notice how Pinky promises not to go to Canada again, but doesn’t promise not to leave the zoo? Very sneaky, Pinky, very sneaky! But I don’t think Unka Justin is going to let the twins get away quite this easily, since he is rather fond of them. Put those cubbies back right this minute, young lady!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
What’s that circle on Mr. Bun’s foot when Pinky drops him? Oh dear is she ever in trouble now! I wonder what possessed the twins to come out from under the bed? Such Innocent little babies they are! Will Unka Justin personally come to get them? Do you think I can get him to take me back with him too?
1) That was the (badly) foreshortened drawing of Mr. Bun’s foot.
2) The twins were ready for snackies. Plus, you know, nobody tells little pandas what to do.
3) I get to ride shotgun if Unkka Justin comes to take us all to Canada.
Pinky needs minions who understand both confidentiality and the tears-for-Daddee process anyway. These two clearly don’t suit her needs. But then again, Pinky should have understood that hungry little panda cubs get restless!
As for acting Presidential, well, there is a truly awful adult human role model right now, so I guess she can be forgiven…eventually.
We regret that these minions are definitely not up to snuff. They do not have quite the level of loyalty and dedication that her previous minions had. There is a little bit of trouble yet to come with the current mi ion offering. I suspect that Pinky will have to hold some kind of rigorous interview and evaluation process to find the perfect minions.
Yes, she is still far more presidential and less objectionable than some candidates we would like, but will deciline, to name.
I guess Pinky did not understand that these minions are, um, CANADIAN…and therefore less likely to be devious and more likely to be nice, polite little Pandas but who need their bamboo poutine at regular hours.
Yes, the Canadian twinkies do need their bootine at very regular intervals. I think Pinky will attempt to find other minions who aren’t as…um…nice? Despite our confidential meetings this past weekend, I could not convince Pinky to play fair or do the right thing. Um…whatever that might be.
Rut roh! Daddee is NOT pleased with his can-do-no-wrong Princess. How will Pinky get herself out of this one? Is there enough tears to melt Tian’s heart again? Hmmm . . .
Pretty much, only 7.5 Pinky tears need to be shed before Daddee regrets his harsh words and completely unreasonable demands. It is good to be the princess.
Ohhh, the baby Pandas have announced themselves…
They were getting bored hiding under the bed. Baby pandas are very unpredictable and …um…pretty much do what they want.
Oh, Bob T., I do not want to underestimate your candidacy (#Whynotvote4Bob?) but …. lil’ princess has so much determination!!. I’m sure she can get anything she proposes, but her tears … break my heart. We must recognize that her leadership is unquestionable. I would like to apply as one of her minions. I’m sure that many readers want also have that post :-)))
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
Sigh….we have come to no conclusions, even thoguh we had several confidential conversations this past weekend. I’m sure Pinky will be able to find no emd of minions willing to do her bidding.
“What The???” Hahaha! Too funny!!
Pinky’s crying face – so cute. Daddee has melted along with the rest of us 🙂
According to Pinky’s highly scientific study, it takes exacly 7.75 Pinky tears to reduce Daddee to to a quivering mass of compliance. I mean, she would know that if it wasn’t a totally dastardly calculation to make about her beloved Daddee.