We are back with Pinky in Wonderland! Sit back and enjoy the show. (Pinky says you should, so I think you better just do as you’re told, don’t you?)
And now…we return to …Pinky in Wonderland!

Bubba wouldn’t be such a smarty pants if he wasn’t up in that tree (and couldn’t disappear at will)
It remains to be seen if Bubba can retain this new skill after the movie is over.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
HA! That got both a laughing out loud and clapping (louder, for Bubba that is, sorry Pinky)! A Cheshire Bearcat! Heck, if Princess Pinky has a magical wand, why not a Bubba with magical disappearing ability? … Poor Mei 🙁
It’s only fair that Bubba has a magical power too. I wonder if he’ll get to keep it when the story is over. Heh!Wouldn’t that just make Pinky mad!