Oh that Pinky! Trouble seems to follow her like a long streamer of toilet paper stuck to her paw. She would not get in nearly so much rouble if it weren’t for the Meihems yanking her chain and egging her on! If only there was some rational….some defense that she could call on..
Well, we’ll think about it and get back to you on Wednesday.
In the meantime, there’s no trouble like Pinky trouble!

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!
Hmmm…maybe I need to do a pandacized version of The Music Man!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Sigh … you can tell they are all related because of the finger pointing at the only one with initiative aka the black sheep aka Pinky. The ones who think outside of the box usually get yelled at loudest. Even though I root for Pinky I love Bubba’s semi-sweetness and lovableness. And, of course, your genius.
I love how you “get” Pinky. She is the panda of my heart. Bubba too, in a different way of course.
Not Bubba and Ping Ping, too! Look out Pinky, you may be getting more tricks than treats on Halloween!
I can hardly wait.
I did a little searching around Ping Ping’s name. I found that it means “peaceful,” and “even.” Is his peaceful nature a little out of place around our Pinky? Maybe. Does the Xiang-Tian household need some tranquility? Definitely.
I would say that any household with Pinky in it needs all the peace and tranquility it can get.
On the other side of the argument, and in the interest of #DefendingPinky, she is using a favorite strategy of teachers–an “active learning” strategy. I am sure everyone in her classroom has learned that dunking was a punishment meted out at the Salem Witch Trials.
Active learning!!!! Why didn’t I think of that?
Uh Oh. Dunking sounds suspiciously like a baff!
“ebben me and Ping Ping?” Poor Bubba. He does have a pure heart. Pinky does too but she seems bound to fight it.
:o) She does, doesn’t she?
Pinky’s reaction is absolutely normal!! those Meihems are snitches and accuse lil’ princess .. finks!!
#LovingPinky #DefendingPinky
Your faith in Pinky’s goodness is inspiring.
Poor Pinky…she’s always misunderstood !! She was just showing Bubba & Ping Ping how dangerous it is to skydive & she was showing them in the safest way possible !!
Pinky: see? i am just beary misunderstood.
Mei: humph!
Rut roh! Bubba’s propellers were spinning wildly again! I hope he and Ping were still allowed to have a Halloween party . . . Six and Sebben included.
I think mebbee Mei and the other pandas moms did have a small party for Ping Ping, Bubba, and Six and Sebben,