…with the results from the recent Giant Panda Zoo Awards. Now, we’ve tried to reason with Princess Pinky, but she is completely inconsolable that she did not win the cubby of the year award.
“Doesn’t being a princess count for anyting?” she wails.

Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?
Meanwhile, Pandamorphosis plans are moving ahead, as I gather my wits and my materials to launch a Kickstarter project to take Pandamorphosis from random scattered drawings in my file drawer to the printed page. Mark February 12th on your calendar, as that is my anticipated launch date. Here is another of my favorite drawings from the book to whet your appetite for all things panda(morphosis):

An unexpected transformation!
I’ve been working on my list of rewards to entice you to support my quest to publish Pandamorphosis, including some of the original art! There is definitely a part of me that wants to keep all the drawings for myself, but in my long life as an artist, I’ve learned that I am happiest when my creations go out into the world to bring enjoyment to others.
If you are already on my mailing list, you will be receiving an update next week (OK, now I DO have to write it) and if you’re not, there’s still time to sign up for my mostly monthly newsletter. Just go to the second form at the top of the right-hand column, that says, “Get even more pandas” and add your email address. Mailchimp will take you through the sign-up process, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.
Be the Bear and Happy Groundhogs Day.
Bob T. Panda
Aha I see that we have another talking enrichment ball. This post was hysterical, especially the “mIss congenialdiy” (or however Pinky pronounced it) square.
Yes, those “talking balls” seem to proliferate around here (um…kind of like talking pandas.) The balls, whether they are soccer balls, or pinky binky balls, seem to have more sense than panda cubs. I love Princess Pinky’s …um…attitude. Ah, we should all get to be that spoiled for at least some part of our lives, don’t you think?
Great stuff, just love that princess.
She is da bear, isn’t she?
Da Pinky is da bear indeedy.
PP: yes, yes i is.
I am just loving the word ‘snorffle’ and will be finding cunning ways to integrate it into daily conversation! Bless Princess Pinky – where IS that wand…..
*snorfle* me too! And um…Mama Mei is not quite ready to give pinky’s wand back, but I have it on good authority that she may find it next week, at least for a little while.
Uh Oh, head for the bamboo-covered hills if Pinky gets her magical wand back.
Because she is really p****d this time!
I regret to inform you that Pinky has a promising lead on locating her wand, but don’t expect to see it before next Sunday. Mama Mei is attempting evasive maneuvers, but she can only hide it so many places, now that Pinky is much more mobile.
I had never realized what a “princess” I am until I met Princess Pinky. I can totally relate to her and her sniffs and snorfles. Of course she wouldn’t want to be “miss gengeniealidy” in a “booty contest.” She is just such a darling spoiled little princess and I just love her to pieces.
I think Princess Pinky represents the Princess I never got to be. Um..especially since my name is “Bob”. you do what you can. I’m glad Pinky has helped you find your inner princess.
Can’t wait for the return of the wand. Pinky must have her revenge!!
Maybe she can console herself with a plate or two of Princess Pinky Cuppycakes 🙂
Love the pinky binky ball.
Princess Pinky would LOVE a batch of Princess Pinky cuppycakes! Hmmm…I wonder where she could find the recipe for those?
Not sure if my first comment went through (got a time-out message) but the gist of it is that Miss Pinky had a BIG media event for her debut. She had a special day just for it. News cameras and reporters were all over, people came from hours away just to glimpse at her for a few minutes at a time and stand in LONG lines just to see her sleeping.
The Twinkies had NO such fuss over THEIR debut! It was “Oh, they’re out now” and no event!
You are absolutely right, and I think the twinkies will have something to say about it in the not too distant future. Princess Pinky is definitely living the “media star dream” and Bert and Ernie want a piece of that celebrity thing!
Princess Pinky even has a special time in the morning where people can make reservations to see her!
Speaking of a “piece of that celebrity thing”- Memphis has a reproductive specialist on hand now and I think Miss Ya Ya will take advantage of Lun Lun and Mei Xiang having their own cubs, Bai possibly not having another, and have the spotlight all to herself this year. (Well, plus, her mother was the same age when Ya Ya was born, so they’re hoping!)
I didn’t know that about Ya Ya’s mom being Ya Ya’s age when she was born. Good to know. I have not given up hope for the Memphis Belle. I love that she has her own reproduction specialist…I may have to use that!