Pinky’s Progress

Pinky has new minions, but can she get them to stop fighting with one another and concentrate on the serious business of getting Pinky elected president next year? It’s gonna be a long cubpaign!

Pinky calls the meeting of her cubpaign staff to order…

Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

Meanwhile the ordering process for the pins is now complete, and I’m hoping they will be in my hot liddle paws by the end of August. I’m making my lists and checking them twice…no make that 3 times. Stay tuned for more news of Pandas coming your way!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

7 thoughts on “Pinky’s Progress

  1. billieandhersite

    Are these little minions the second pair of Atlanta cubbies? Six and Sebben? They are asking the right questions! Where is Bubba and Ping? Are they going to help? Has Mommee crawled into the grotto and turned on the AC for the duration? Is Daddee in a bar? Is Mommee preggars? This has been a long hot summer.
    Sweet little minions doing what cubbies do—play! Is Banky Pig safe? Where are Yip and Gip?
    All hands on deck!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Yes! Six and Sebben “wanted” to help get Pinky elected. Well, actually their mother thought if they had someone else to distract them, they might not fight so much.

  2. billieandhersite

    Little sweet bears! Pinky has her work cut out for her! And Six and Sebben may not drive their Mommee crazy! Whoever saw a panda getting gray in their black fur?
    By the way, has Ping learned any other words? I do know that Ping’s expressions say a great deal!
    Watching Second Debate, tonight. Out in awful weather yesterday(hot, humid hazy) and felt the full symptom that my auto immune thingie does when I got overheated. Fell asleep on the debate last night. And slept most of the day.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Ping does not seem to be inclined to learn any new words. But fortunately, he and Bubba seem to understand each other just fine. I did not watch either debate. From what I’ve read, CNN seemed more inclined to start fights and stir the pot, than to let candidates talk about their positions and policy proposals.

      1. billieandhersite

        Everything seems to have cleared up on your site. New toon came through with no warnings of any kind.
        Watched the debate off and on. They all just yelled at each other. I think Elizabeth Warren won and she wasn’t there last night, one pundit said.
        These new little minions are so cute. Love their slogan!
        I need a nap.

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          Thanks to my new web host/Mr. Fixit, the problem was dealt with quickly. Sometimes I think I have no business mucking around on the inter webs.


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