After the events of last week in the rest of the world, is it any wonder that we sensitive types retreat to something a little kinder, a little gentler, and a little furrier? I am of course referring to Pinky’s first snow day. The joy of seeing this round, furry panda cub rolling down hills and romping with her mom is just what we needed to keep from crawling under the covers and never coming out. You can watch her on youtube here.
I hope that the violence and unrest that is happening in Paris settles down. The world seems to be going mad around us. We need more….

Meihem, not Mayhem.
What could be cuter than pandas in snow suits? Yes, I know I need help.
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
It may be just me, but Pinky is much more glamorous in her snowy outfit, don’t you think?. J’adore Pinky :-))))
Pinky is glamorous in all her outfits. It’s no wonder considering she has become the protege’ of Babette de Panda, the most glamorous panda EVER. I love Pinky more than I can say!
If you need help then we all do!
Ha ha ha! Please don’t throw me in the bamboo patch, br’er Panda!
Welcome to the club. We may be a little nutty, but we have good parties. (Pass the cuppycakes)
Even her snowman was shocked…lol
And rightly so! The nerve of those Meihems! Splatting poor innocent Princess Pinky with a snowball! Where do they get these ideas?
Oh…um…my bad.
Thank goodness only Pinky has polka dot boots. It would not be good for the Meihems to upstage Pinky in the fashion stakes!
Love the expressions on the snow panda 🙂
Pinky has a really good agent working for her. It has allowed her to get all sorts of perks that cartoon characters normally don’t get until they’ve been in a series for many years. She has advanced to the top of the pile very quickly. Suspiciously so, some might say.
Pinky has such an adorable snow outfit!
I think the Meihems received some snow-playing tips from their big sister!
Considering they come from a climate that is not usually known for snow (last winter excepted) they are quite handy, not to mention accurate with a snowball.
They must have watched Po play in the snow last year when Atlanta got some and the older siblings and dad were allowed to go play. I wonder if the Meihems watched the “Xi Lan, Meet Po” video for some other pointers? Granted the Meihems are great wrestling with each other but I think their siblings helped them a bit too much.
Well, it is the job of panda siblings to help their younger brothers and sisters navigate the path to panda-hood. The Meihems just happen to be quick learners, plus they get the practive with each other at home.
PP: plus dey is bigger than pinky. Just saying.
Only Pinky would have had “A Part the Second”. I’d that a Pinky or French Translation.
Ugh, cell phones. Is that a Pinky or French translation. Or something else?
You know, I’m not really sure. It’s possible it’s from Car Talk.