Unnamed sources have hacked into princess Pinky’s twidder and insta-pand accounts to steal her personal photos and um…we have uh… “obtained” them and share them here. Is Pinky jumping the gun by taking her photograph HERE????!!!???
You might remember this shocking photo from last week’s post:

I’m sorry, but this seems like Pinky is taking liberties…again!!!
I know you can now take your own White House selfie, but do they let pandidates pose in the White House so they can look more presidential? This seems like an unfair advantage. They might ban selfies with the Pres himself, so does this disqualify Pinky? Hmmm?

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!
Stay tuned! Pinky is on a roll!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Did Pinky cleverly use a hind foot for this selfie? Poor Mommee Mei! She doesn’t need all this hassle while she’s in a “delicate condition.”
Yes, she is very talented with her back feet. Who needs a selfie stick when you have back paws that can hold things?
Oh that Pinky!
MOL, poor sweet Mommee Mei, she certainly does need peace, quiet and relaxation ‘pecially if she is in, “da panna family way”! We sure don’t want to see her go into “Were-Bear” mode again, dat was scary!
And why is Mr. Presydent ‘ all excited cause a couple of cute widdle pannas were on his desk? ‘Zactly what does he think is going to happen when Pinky’s the Presydent, it’s “The Pink House” and da pannas are running things?
Go have another “boo smoke” Mr. Presydent and calm down!
Hope Pinky & Daddee got a ride home in “Da Beast”, da Presydential limo! I can just see her now: Shades on, reclining back, waving at her cubdoring public, getting in practice for “her turn”! Go Pinky!!!
Could pandas running amok in the Pink House be any worse than the pandapocalypse that we are in the brink of? The daily news gets worse and worse, the climate is running amok, some people think it is a good idea to shoot animals and put their heads on their walls.
Mommee Mei should just sit everyone in the world down and explain about their inner panda. Meanwhile, who needs presidential paper weights when you have pandas on your desk?
Who do you think Pinky will pick, um, The Donald as her running mate? And is Mei definitely pregnant??
Pinky will definitely NOT be choosing The Donald as her running mate. With his attitude towards women, one can only imagine what his attitude towards pandas would be. Especially plucky, young, female pandas.
As for whether Mei Xiang is pregnant, only she knows. It is notoriously hard to tell with pandas, because the hormonal markers are the same for pregnancy and pseudo pregnancy. We just don’t know, Dude.
I would be saying “keep those pandas on my desk!”
Love the selfie – they look like they are having such a fun time!!
I know! Who wouldn’t want pandas on their desk? And as one of our other readers pointed out, they are a lot better behaved than some of the other presidential hopefuls.
…or for that matter, some past occupants
Um…well, yeah.