When the Panda House gets quiet…

Things are starting to get weird over at Tweet nation, but you know you can always find me here (and also over at Substack!)
Be the Bear
Bob T a ringing phone is never a good thing Panda
Things are starting to get weird over at Tweet nation, but you know you can always find me here (and also over at Substack!)
Be the Bear
Bob T a ringing phone is never a good thing Panda
Love the name of the book – and the author!
Absolutely love Mei’s face when she realises it’s too quiet. 🙂
MX: and why does my sister have time to write? BECAUSE SHE SHIPS HER CHILDREN OFF TO MY HOUSE!!!
LL: well, bless your heart! Would you like me to sign that copy?
MX: I’d love you to sign my copy! Six and Sebben are on their way home with the book.
LL: We’ll bless their … NO!!!!!!
LL: New phone…who dis?
MX: New phone my …
LL: Who’s that at the door?
Six and Sebben: We’re back!
LL: Dear? we need to get the locks changed!