We are sorry to tell you that Inspector Panda was unavoidably detained, just when things were really starting to heat up. He asked me to relay his apologies, but he also reminded me to tell you that he will be back in December for 31 Days of Pandas and that it going to be all about him, at least 5 days a week. So much stuff is about to happen in this story, that I thought it would be more fun to read an installment every day, than to have to wait a week between episodes, so just hold that thought. I will do a recap in the week before 31 Days of Pandas starts on December 1st, ‘kay?
Meantime, by special request of one of my faithful readers (who I have actually met, while waiting for Princess Pinky to get out of her $#!!@*^% hemlock, on my last visit to Pinky-land) we see just why Pinky is up to up there.

Excuse me, Mr. Watterson, but….

Now we know what Pinky does in her hemlock clubhouse!

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.
If I was really on top of this whole book promotion thing, I would point out that Book 5 of the Panda Chronicles has just been released, and it is all about Pinky, except when it is about the Meihems, and that you could look at these cartoons as much as you want if you would only hop over to Amazon and order the book.
Just saying.

It’s Pink, but still kinda, um…dangerous!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Although she is nothing like the real Bao Bao, who is a little sweetheart, I must confess that I love Pinky!
You may THINK the real Bao Bao is nothing like Pinky, but she has some pretty mischievous expressions in some photos that the National Zoo pandaratti share of her cute self. Really, it is just so much fun for me to create a fictional counterpart to real pandas that sometimes I get…um a little carried away.
Thanks for following both the real life Bao Bao as well as her alter ego, Princess Pinky.
Bao Bao is noted as a stubborn little thing, not nearly as easy to train as her big brother, by keepers. She wants what she wants and can’t be lured away from it. So, I think a lot of the Pinky characterizations fit.
I would agree. After all, her fictitious self is based on her real pinky self, is it not? I can’t help that the Pinky in my head is rather willful and…um…spoiled, can I? Besides, it would be really boring if the girls always got along and were well behaved. Plus there would be far less opportunity to draw panda buts in the air if they din’t have the occasional fisticuffs (paw-ti-cuffs?)
Plus the little rascal climbed the ONE tree they didn’t collar for some reason and loves to stay up there!
On the bright side, she’s doing what a good panda cub would do in the wild… climb high where it’s hard to be seen. Problem is- she doesn’t always climb down when mama calls her!
PP: yeah, pinky does what pinky wants. You can’t make me come down.
Loved PANDApocalypse! I like the idea of the girl pandas getting into situations and commented on by Bob the Bear and Mehitabel. The parda girls are delightful. I do believe their mothers’ black hair will turn white because of their escapades! Huzzah! Huzzah! My best to you!
Oh my! I hadn’t even thought of the mom’s fur turning white…hmmm, could be an opportunity for them to give their naughty girls a little scare on Halloween with the help of the polar bear moms….
Glad you are enjoying the Pandapocalypse!
Yes! Halloween white pandas!!
Love the “honoured guest/hostage” drama – a fav 🙂
Can’t wait for 31 Days of Pandas – especially Inspector Panda!!
You can’t fault the Meihem’s southern hospitality, now, can you? Pinky on the other paw….