Oh my ears and whiskers! Princess Pinky’s fans have been at the zoo for HOURS, the cake has been licked and climbed upon, Pinky has opened her presents, and the forces of Meihem have been corralled (for the moment.)
Fortunately, Inspector Panda has his able assistant on the scene, working undercover.

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.
Tune in tomorrow afternoon for the post party wrap up. (Is this any way to treat an icon?)
Hey, I almost forgot! You can still get the ibook version of Pandamorphosis for FREE through the weekend! Here’s the link. Woo hoo!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Great to see Mr Wu in Pinky’s Bday, even if working. Genial cartoon, Bob ;-)))
He’s really working for Inspector Panda. Mr. Wu is enjoying his work.
Does our princess forget that she had her bum in the middle of the Meihem’s cake?
Princess Pinky says,: “um…no dat was some one who looked like me. um…dey must have stole my tiara…yeah, dat’s it…i am innocent. (i am a icon, you know) you know us pandas all look alike. ‘kay?”
…but birthday cakes are made to share <3 They're not like cuppycakes… those are a different story and no one would dare touch an icon's cuppycakes!
PP: what is dis word “sharing” dat you use? I don’t know dat word.
Oh, sharing…. it’s when others let you enjoy the things they have! More fun things for Pinky 😉
Oh THAT’S what sharing is! Pinky was confused. Thank you for clearing up that little matter!
Love the mothers having a – um – brief rest 🙂
Mr Wu is getting so much exposure and is adorable undercover!
As for the girls – what’s a party without cake and frosting flying around?
My dear friend Lucilla likes to write stories about the pandas, where they all are respectful (mostly) of each other and their parents, and I love those stories. My versions of the girls, and all the other pandas, live in an alternate universe, where all the cubs behave badly, and their mothers are long suffering and prone to growling and yelling. Hmmm….could say something about our respective childhoods, or maybe it just illustrates that there are many ways to tell stories, based on the same characters.
It is interesting isn’t it. Are our pandas reflections of our childhood/upbringing? My coven of pandas are dark and gothic so there may be something in that! 🙂
It is a sobering thought. I would not want my childhood analyzed on the basis of the panda kindergarten, but I am afraid it is all too accurate a representation.
“I would not want my childhood analyzed on the basis of the panda kindergarten,”
– oops – too late I think 🙂
Yes, way too late. I was actually very well behaved and shy as a child. I think the panda kindergarten is the manifestation of my inner self, that now only comes out as out of control junior pandas.