Wait? WERE we talking about a cuppycake trap? Well, cuppycake trap, perjury trap, it’s kind of all the same thing, isn’t it? Thanks to one of my alert readers, who was the first (yes, Lora, several people brought this story to my attention, but you were the first!) to tell me about this story. Even though we all know that bears that get habituated to humans, always ends up being bad for the bears, who doesn’t love the idea of a bear doing this:
“If they didn’t want me to eat the cuppycakes, they shouldn’t have left them there!”

“I’ll have one of these, and one of these, and one of these, and one of…”
The bear was not caught this time, but the sad fact is, this bear now has a taste for frosting and he will probably come back for more. I don’t know what the solution is. We have expanded where we humans live and so bears are being crowded out of their habitats and the collision (as opposed to collusion) is inevitable. In Colorado a bear who recently broke into the Post office was euthanized because it was his third human encounter. More than 160 bears have been killed because of people/bear encounters in Colorado in 2017.
Um…is it okay that he ate all the cuppycakes because they were vegan?
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
On a serious note, the lady obviously lives in “bear country” so it begs to be asked “what in the heck was she thinking when she put cuppycakes in her car??” I mean it’s like waving a good chocolate cake around me or leaving freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on a plate and walking away, leaving me with the dilemma of what to do….what to do??
I know, right?!?!?!?! It appears from the article that this bear had been hanging around their house prior to this and had even broken in to their house. They are not doing the bear any favors by leaving cuppycakes in their car. When you go to parks like Yosemite, they have these videos playing about not leaving ANYTHING in your car, including empty energy bar wrappers. Bears have really good noses, and they will break into your car, poop on the seats, and change the radio pre-sets.There are rules here, people!
Number of humans in the US give or take a few million (illegal immigrants) 308,000,000. Estimated number of Black Bears in the US———————————————- 450,000.
Too many people, not enough bears (not to mention wolves, cougars, birds of all kinds… I could go on…)
Definitely too many people and not enough bears. I have a list of people who would not be missed if they were to leave now.
I’d seen this story on the news and my immediate thought was, “Why in the world would she leave two boxes of cuppycakes in the car overnight?! Had she never heard of bears breaking into cars for mere crumbs?!” That’s like installing a massive neon sign on the top of her car that read ‘COME AND DESTROY MY CAR! I’M AN IDIOT!’, then whine about it later. Some people just have no common sense. And they call us homo sapiens the superior beings. HA!
I get so paranoid about leaving so much as a cookie wrapper in the car overnight whenever we go into a National Park or other bear friendly area. And this was not the first time this bear had been around, and had even broken into their house. HELLO?????!!!!
This bear’s sad fate is written in frosting on the seats. We all know what happens to bears that interact with humans too often.
On the other hand, if I saw two dozen cuppycakes sitting on the seat of a car, I would probably do the same thing.
I’d seen this on the news and my immediate thought was, “Why in the world would she leave two boxes of cuppycakes in the car overnight?! Had she never heard of bears breaking into cars for mere crumbs of food?!” I mean, that’s like installing a huge neon sign that said ‘COME AND DESTROY MY CAR! I’M AN IDIOT AND DESERVE IT!’, then whine about it later. Some people just have no common sense. And they call us the superior beings, HA!
Well, exactly! At Yosemite Park they have all sorts of signs saying don’t even leave a cuppycake WRAPPER in your car, let alone a cuppycake, because the bears will smell it and break into your car, and to add insult to injury fine you $500 for being a dope.