Hey! Guess what’s coming up this Sunday morning in the teeny tiny hours when all good little pandas are asleep? That’s right! It’s time to Spring Forward…um…or is that Spring Back? I can never remember! whatever it is, I can pretty much guarantee that I will either be an hour early or an hour late for yoga on Sunday morning!
So let’s start our Fabulous Furry Friday encore presentation with this classic of panda satire!!!!

spring back, fall forward?
And if it’s time to turn the clock forward, it means we are nearing the end of the annual Panda Scout cookie Sale!

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….
And that means, Easter is right around the corner…

What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!
And…um…don’t forget, I have a new book out!!!!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
I used to know the rules, but thanks to those adorable panda kindergarteners, I can’t remember if I’m falling forward or springing back!
I fall forward a lot.