What kind of surprises will be in store for our intrepid panda pals, as the arrive at the summer camp for The Institute of Inner Panda Studies? They might be surprised to learn that they already have a fan club! I’m sure the panda kindergarten has internet access, so of course they would already know all about Pinky and the Meihems, wouldn’t they?
Let’s join Pinky and the Meihems as this year’s panda kindergarten welcomes them to summer camp !

Pinky: after all, i AM a icon!!!!
Who, indeed is in charge around here? Stay tuned to this station on your radio dial, panda satire fans!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Oh, Bob T., what a lovely welcome!! Those liddle minions, dressed as Pinky (tutu + tiara) …
I would also ask for an autygraf to our icon. She deserves the best 😉
#LovingPinky #SheisaIcon
She might have a good time at camp after all. Or maybe not. We’ll see.
Not sure about the world, but I personally am not ready for more than one Pinky.
You may have a good point. It’s a little like The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, but with Pinky instead of brooms.
Be very afraid.
I think making a deal with the devil would be safer and more predictable.
I’m afraid you’re right.
Hey! watch where you’re pointing that wand, Pinky!
oh, I do not want to interrupt your conversation, but you will have to agree with me and consider that Pinky is the smartest, clever, adorable, and unresisdabel liddle pandy. Not only the sun, but the universe revolves around her.
#LovingPinky #DefendingPinky #SheisaIcon
Um…is it possible that Pinky has already pointed her wand at you and now you are in her unresidabel power? Not that I’m criticizing, mind you, but I just wanted to know. It happens to the best of us.
I’m afraid that Teresa had been poofed by Pinky’s magical wand. We’ll miss her. *snicker*
Pinky has Teresa in her power, make no mistake. I sort of feel like I should feel guilty about that, but….
Mini Pinkies! I love them!!
I’m not sure the Meihems were impressed, but Pinky was happy!