While the completely Unfair and SAD!!! DC #PandaCamShutdown is happening, pressure is mounting on those other zoos with panda cams! Six and Sebben are feeling the strain to be cute non stop, and while Mr. Wu is in his prime years of panda stud-muffinhood, the strain is getting to him too!
Let’s look back on the early days of the Wu-self when he was not quite so pleased to share the spotlight with the other up and coming pandas!
Of course, we remember that OTHER goobermint shut down. That time it WAS the Congress’s fault!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
Don’t forget to keep your eyes open for the launch of our Kickstarter campaign to produce the first in (we hope) a long line of Panda Chronicle Pins! Coming THIS THURSDAY! I will try to have the opening bell (metaphorically speaking) as close to Noon PST as I can manage! Stay ‘tooned!
The power of the paw😂😂😂
Heh! Mommee Mei has acquired great paw skills over the years! Useful for blocking food theft as well as magical wand relocation.