Tag Archives: 2016 presidential election

Double “O” Bubba: A Spy for All Seasons

Uh oh. Has Bubba gotten a little too big for his cubberalls? He should know better than to spy and tattle on his big sister. I mean, what kind of cabinet post can he expect in Pinky’s administration if he keeps this up?

And just what do the Meihems have in mind for Unka Bob in the Pink House?

Oh Bubba! What were you thinking?

Oh Bubba! What were you thinking? And now that Mr. Bun is back, don’t you think Pinky should treat him better?

I just want to give a shout out to all my new readers here at the Panda Chronicles! Helloooo Panda Fans!!! Last week was a tough one, out in the real world, and we have retreated to the world of pandas to catch our breath, before we go out there again and try to make the world a better place.  And if you need another dose of pandishness, check out Pinky’s Aunty Sandy’s video of her little brother being a pest here!

Don’t forget to tune in on Friday for the Meihems’ pandapalooza celebrating their third birthday on July 16th. (I believe they are getting their cakes on Friday, so if you want to watch that live, check on the Zoo Atlanta Panda Page!)

Be the Bear!
Don’t spy on Pinky!
Bob T Panda

Politics Makes Strange Denfellows

Where have the Meihems been? We have hardly seen hide nor hair…um..fur of them since Bob hired them to be his political consultants. Personally, I think they have been so absorbed with planning for their gala third birthday party, (TWO CAKES!!!!!!) that they have forgotten all about Bob and Pinky and, not to cast aspersions on their southern belle-ness, but…politics makes strange denfellows.

But now the cakes have been ordered, and their dresses shopped for and they have remembered that they have an important client. But have the events of the last weeks incited a shift in the political cosmos? Is Bob ready to through in the towel and join forces with Pinky, in order to defeat a terrible foe?

Whoever could it be, to see Pinky in her lair?

Whoever could it be, to see Pinky in her lair?

And just because Pinky is ahead in all the polls (well, at least the polls at the National Zoo) it doesn’t mean she can coast from now until November. There may be sneaky things up certain sleeves (do cats have sleeves?) All I can say is stay tuned!!!

By the by, this coming Saturday is the Meihem girls third birthday and the team at Zoo Atlanta is indeed making them TWO special ice fruity cakes to celebrate the occasion. I hope they remembered to invite Pinky, because, you know how Pinky hates to be ignored! This week’s Fabulous Furry Friday will therefore be dedicated to all things Meihem, so be sure to tune in and gather round your computer and have some cuppycakes with the girls!

Till then,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Can He Say That?

Oh my ears and whiskers! The world continues to prove it’s madness. We weep for the recent events, which apparently are the 133rd such event this year, only distinguished by being the worst  shooting in US history. Can he say that? Can he have really have said what he said after this week’s tragedy? Are we all just tragic figures, stumbling towards the exits in the dark, smoke filled room, hoping not to get caught in the crossfire??

Oh heck. Let’s just watch some panda videos.
Pandas are LOVE
Mittens…not so much.

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

Meanwhile, back at the (panda) ranch, I have received several communications, one form the Toronto Twinkies, and more recently from the Meihems. All are concerned that perhaps Pinky is not a good role model for the Toronto cubbies. Fortunately, the Meihems have offered to mentor the Toronto Duo, after all, they know a lot about being twins! I think we need some kinder, pandy-ish story lines here, to compensate for the horrors of the real world.

Be the Bear, and let’s stay sane out there, okay?
Bob T Panda

It’s Going to Get Worse Before it Gets Better

I apologize to you all in advance, in case the current run of ‘toons traumatizes you. But with art as well as in politics, it sometimes gets worse before it gets better. In my work to reintroduce Mittens the Cat (with a whole new fur-do) I am finding that I can’t make up anything more absurd or horrifying than what I hear on the radio or read online.

So in the words of someone or another, sometimes writing satire is just quoting the news. Tom Leher, maybe?

Be very afraid. Bob is…..

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

But before we bring Mittens on, there is the little matter of Mr. Bun. He seems to be…um…missing. Dis. Will. Not. Stand. Hmmm…we seem to be saying that a lot.
Be sure to tune in on Wednesday to see what’s up with Mr. Bun.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Note: I just got word from the folks at WordPress that my site was down for 7 minutes this morning, but now it is back on track. Either it was Pinky trying to hijack my site, or Mittens the Cat got word that we were going to be revealing his evil plans and new fur-do. Be very afraid.

Fabulous Furry Friday presents…

The best of Mittens the Cat! When we found out that Mittens was entering the race for president, we shook our collective heads in dismay. Hasn’t this election cycle gotten crazy enough? Fabulous Furry Friday presents: The Best of Mittens!

This. Will. Not. Stand!!!!

Ha ha! Of course it will. One thing we must remember, during this excruciating election season, and that is we need as much funny as possible, and all the better if we can make thinly veiled references (or maybe not so thinly veiled) about various political candidates. And laugh about it. Even if it’s through our grinding teeth.

For those of you who just recently joined the pandasphere, we bring you some cartoons starring Bob and Mittens from the previous presidential cycle. Pinky wasn’t even born yet, let alone vying for world domination!

Babette has ..um...toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

Babette has ..um…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, "I think it's time for a little something.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, “I think it’s time for a little something.

Cats....you just can't trust em.

Cats….you just can’t trust em.

Remember, Mittens has “excellent fur.”

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Keep cool, cat, and don't go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes...

Keep cool, cat, and don’t go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes…Endangered Species card? #DealMeIn

Hmmmm…I think that the raw materials to transform Mittens into the personality of one of the current candidates are all there. stay tuned! It’s going to get might pandy around here!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

The Return of Mittens

Remember Mittens the Cat? Bob’s nemesis (or is that nematode?) of the 2012 election? Well, he’s back, and he has a new fur-do as well as a general makeover, to make him look…um…like maybe just the teeny tiniest bit like one of the current crop of political candidates. The return of Mittens will make Pinky look positively …um…reasonable.  Is that even possible? I can’t believe I said that!

Stay tuned.

It is too much to BEAR!

It is too much to BEAR!

Meanwhile, in other cat based humor, my brother sent me a link for what may possible be the most disgusting (but kind of funny) thing I have ever heard of. And before you ask, I will not be supporting their Kickstarter campaign. Some things should just NOT be encouraged.

I hope you stick around for Fabulous Furry Friday, when we will revisit the previous appearances of Mittens the cat. (Not to be confused with Mehitabel.)

See you then!

Be the Bear

Bob T Panda

Secret Meetings Were Held…

…at the campaign headquarters of one Princess Pinky Panda in Washington DC at the National Zoo. Why weren’t you alerted in advance? Well, it wouldn’t have been much of a secret meeting if I told you before it happened now, would it?

Pinky and I having a top secret meeting, to discuss the future of Bob T's candidacy.

Pinky and I having a top secret meeting, to discuss the future of Bob T’s candidacy. (Photo courtesy of Jennifer Friedline) (Now you know what I really look like!) (That’s me in the back, in case you were wondering)

When I started my journey into panda satire, I was a little unsure about what kind of people I would meet in cyberspace. After a while, I figured they weren’t all scary and most of them weren’t ax murderers, and so, a couple of years ago (I can’t even remember how many…maybe it was when the first Panda Chronicles books came out) I told one of my Facebook panda friends that yes, I was coming to DC and maybe it would be fun to meet a couple of people, but don’t make a big deal or anything.

Well, one fun lunch get together led to another and then to another and then I met Leslie Johnson who made the most amazing cuppycakes depicting Princess Pinky and now Bubba cookies.  (Pinky cuppycakes came complete with tiara and magical wand!)

On this trip, not only did I get to visit with friends from past panda visits, but also met more people that I only know on FB and Twitter, including the people behind @houseofcubs and @pinkypanda0823 on Twitter. I have sworn not to reveal their identities, so don’t even TRY to worm it out of me!

Cuppycakes, anyone? (Photo courtesy of Karen Wille and cuppycakes courtesy of Leslie Johnson)

Cuppycakes, anyone? (Photo courtesy of Karen Wille and cuppycakes courtesy of Leslie Johnson)

At the beginning of my trip, I was in Western PA where I met some other blogger friends. a great time was had by all, and was written about on Cordelia’s Mom Still,  by one of the bloggers I got together with, while in PA.

Room service!

Room service!

Do we know how to have fun, or what?

But I know you didn’t show up to see pictures of my trip! Bring on the panda satire, you say! In commemoration of the recent exodus from the clown car by several of the clowns, (I won’t say celebration, because there still is a very big, bad clown in the car) Let’s have a trip down memory lane from Bob’s last venture in presidential politics…..

Babette has ..um...toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

Babette has ..um…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, "I think it's time for a little something.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, “I think it’s time for a little something.

Bob says it best! “What’s the point of being president if you can’t stop for cake?”

Cats....you just can't trust em.

Cats….you just can’t trust em.

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Keep cool, cat, and don't go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes...

Is this a little too close to what some candidates are actually saying? Um….yes. Yes it is.

Four years ago, I thought I had made a really absurd representation of political discourse. This year, um…not so much. what has been said by certain candidates is way beyond what is in this cartoon.

By the way…yesterday was National Cartoonists Day! Did anyone get me a present?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda