We are barely halfway through 2019 and we’ve had the first drop out from the Democratic field. (Not Pinky! Or Bob) While some might think that there are far too many people running for the Democratic nomination, I think the large field is a good thing. I think it helps each of us to clarify what the most important things are to us, as each candidate articulates what they want for this country of ours.
Each of the candidates has something to offer. Their focuses are different, even with a certain amount of overlap. I believe that by encouraging all to participate, we, the people, get to think about what are the issues that are important to us. And frankly, many of their policy ideas are needed now. Eric Swalwell was the first to leave the race, but his central issue, dealing with the over abundance of guns in our country and lack of sensible regulations, is an important one.
I hope as each of these candidates who fail to gain traction step aside, they will leave these important issues for the remaining candidates to pick up and add to the things they are passionate about. One thing is certain. This needs to be the final days of 45’s reign of contemptuous lawlessness.
But that’s enough of being serious! Bring on the pandas!
get out of the way! There is a Pinky coming through!
And don’t forget! only one more week for our Kickstarter campaign! Did we mention our fabulous Stretch Goal reward? You know you want this!
What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?
Panda on
Bob T Panda