Once again, we return to the story of a bear that loved cuppycakes not wisely, but too well. So, what happens after a bear becomes famous for behaving badly?
He goes on a talk show, of course!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
As luck would have it, one of my faithful readers actually knows the people this happened to! No, really!!!! So here’s an email that they sent to all of their friends, to tell them of the incident:
“Hi All~
“Don’t know if you caught this in your local news, but we had an exciting first birthday party for our son Jackson! Minutes before guests were arriving at our house, a black bear climbed on our roof and fell through our skylight!
“Thankfully no one was hurt. Glenn and the bear had a bit of a stand off The bear ate some cupcakes and then I was able to shoo him out the back door. This crazy stuff only happens in Alaska!
You can read the real news story here. And special thanks to another faithful reader who suggested that maybe the party Mr Bear crashed was one of the panda kindergarten’s birthday season parties. (I lost track of who that was…please comment here so I can give you credit -or blame. :o) )
Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda