…Pinky in Wonderland! I bet you were wondering when I was going to get back to this, but what with Bebe Maurice’s birthday, Zhen Zhen’s big adventure and, oh…I don’t know, the collapse of civilization as we know it, I just got the tiniest bit off track! I’ve been out and about peddling my fine art wares in various places too.
But what about Pinky???? Pinky has fans! You can’t just neglect her!!!!
And we haven’t been! in addition to fine arting around, I have also been preparing to release the Panda Chronicles books as ebooks! Now, I am a print kind of person. I like books. I like reading them, I like the smell and the feel of real books. But over the years, a number of people have asked me, “Whhhhyyyyyy can’t we have ebooks toooo!?!?!?!?” Well ask no more, your dreams are about to come true! I’m still in the process of getting the books set up, but since it is Pinky and Bubba’s birthday month, I thought I should get those ready first, so that we could have…
But first, let’s have the next episode of Pinky In Wonderland!!!
If you need your memory refreshed, here is the previous episode:

And what magical place has Pinky found, as she opens the tiny door?
As I mentioned before, Book 7 (Don’ call mee boo boo) and Book 8 (The Pinky Defense) ebooks are now on sale for $2.99 for Pinky and Bubba’s birthday month. Also, if you haven’t bought the print editions yet, you can also get the ebook along with the print edition for only $.99! TBH, I don’t know if this is retroactive for people who have already bought the book, but if anyone wants to try, let me know, okay?
I am slowly getting the other books set up as ebooks (partly because Amazon finally made it easier (not easy, just easier) to convert the print PDF into an ebook without having to jump through a lot of hoops or pay someone hundreds of dollars to do it!) and I’ll keep you posted as to the progress!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda