Tag Archives: Bai Yun

Hey, It’s International Talk like a Pirate Day! Huzzah and AAArrgggHHH!

While Thursday is not a normal posting day (and don’t get any ideas about Princess Pinky Thursdays) It IS a national holiday, and  by that, of course I mean, International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Huzzah!


In honor of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, I hereby re-run, in all it’s entirety, Mr Wu’s very first adventure, which I call, A Pirate’s Life for Wu!  Enjoy!

Yo ho ho and a bottle  of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mr wu is up the creek without a paddle...

Mr Wu is up the creek without a paddle…

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Don't you love "rear shots" of baby pandas?

Don’t you love “rear shots” of baby pandas?

Avast mateys! You’ll be bein’ the bear now, I wager!

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Bob T. Panda






Is it really Monday already?

I think we can now put to rest that very unflattering portrait painted of Tian Tian (Huh? who me?) in the New Yorker last week.  Tests have shown that he’s the father of the newest, tiniest panda in the US.  Almost everyone is hip-hip-hoorah-ing about our precious panda princess!


Who's the bear???!!!

Who’s the bear???!!!

Progress on Book 3 continues!  Stay tuned, panda fans!  And on Mr. Wu Wednesday, his new adventure really gets off the ground.  Really.

Till next time, Be The Bear!

Bob T. Panda

We’re Back! Did you miss us?

Hello Panda Fans!  It seems that several of you may have missed us over the weekend as we were doing some site renovations.  You will most likely see some twiddling and refining as time goes on, as I wanted to get the pandas up and running (we can so run!) even though everything is not cuppycake perfect as yet!

Much excitement has been happening in the land of pandas…the Atlanta twinkies are now 7 (or is it 8?) weeks old and getting cute enough to send Mr. Wu into a tailspin of anxiety over his cuteness ratings (more on that coming Wednesday.)  The newest panda in our nation’s capitol has survived a full week+ a few days and is getting fat and loud.  Huzzah!  I caught a glimpse of “starter ears” on the Facebook pictures this morning. Huzzah!

But all is not hunky-dorey…The New Yorker magazine ran an expose on the secret life of pandas, much to the embarrassment of guy pandas everywhere.  “Did he HAVE to tell that story?”,  more than one panda was heard to mutter around the pandasphere this morning.

Did he really have to tell them THAT????

Did he really have to tell them THAT????

Of Course Gao Gao, stud muffin of the SDZ had no complaints about the article!

Meanwhile, work on Book 3 of The Panda Chronicles is proceeding.  Stay tuned here to be the first to know when it is ready.  Speaking of staying tuned, as a result of a change in web hosting, it seems that all my subscribers disappeared in the transition (for the blog, not the newsletter) so if you would still like to receive new cartoons in your inbox 3 times a week, please re-subscribe via the form/button that says “Invite Pandas to Your Inbox” near the top of the righthand column.  You don’t want to miss a single episode, especially with Mr. Wu starting on a new adventure next week!

till next time!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


It’s Mr Wu Wednesday and the plot thickens……

Oh my…we have made Mr. Wu’s mother cry, and we are very sorry about that. (Perhaps not as sorry as we will be if she gets her paws on us, but never mind about that now!) Today she springs into action and brings in help from a very um… reputable source:

This is a case for...Inspector Panda!

This is a case for…Inspector Panda!

Can Inspector Panda solve the case?  Will Yun Zi eat his brother’s dessert while Mr. Wu is “away?” Will Mr. Wu wow the crowds as the Flying Wuzini at Le Cirque du Pandet? Tune in next week to read the next exciting installment of Bears Under the Big Top!

Till then, Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It may be Monday, but the story continues…

Editors note: I realize I may seem to be capricious and uncareful with the cute wu self…sending him off with the panda kindergarten in the middle of the night.  Perhaps an all-Wu-all-the-time cartoon line up on Mondays and Wednesdays will keep you all from tar-and-feathering me.  Maybe?

"Are we there, yet?"

“Are we there, yet?”


Come back on Wednesday and see what happens next…

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday- Huzzah!

Editors Note:  I seem to have unleashed a firestorm of discontent over my story line to let Mr. Wu run away to join the circus in the company of the panda kindergarten. What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking that as Mr. Wu has been growing up and getting more adventurous, that it was the natural next step in a young panda’s life.  What little panda wouldn’t be tempted by the bright lights and the roar of the crowd?  Who amongst us hasn’t wanted to run off and join the circus at some point in our young life?

Fear not! Mr. Wu will come home safely from his adventure, but not just yet. I can promise you that. In the meantime, Le Cirque du Pandet is waiting…..

Who wouldn't want to run off and join this circus?

Who wouldn’t want to run off and join this circus?

Stay tuned for Mr. Wu’s most exciting adventure, as pandas everywhere say, hey! I want to join the circus too!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda

The Anticipation is KILLING me! and now….

….for the EXCITING conclusion of A Bear in the Air, Mr Wu’s big adventure, (of course there will be an epilogue on Wednesday, but at least now you know all the gory details!)!!!!

OK! Here it is!!!!

Bet ya didn't see this coming...or maybe you did.

Bet ya didn’t see this coming…or maybe you did.

The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire would like to thank the Sooperpanna for agreeing to appear in this saga of adventure, impending disaster, and panda kindergarten perfidy.  We would also like to point out that no pandas were harmed in the drawing of this cartoon.  Stay tuned for Wednesday’s epilogue, as well as a guest appearance by the panda kindergarten on Rumpydog’s blog later this week. On Friday we will post links to the entire saga, so that you can read the whole series in order, in case you missed any of them.

till then,

Be the Bear!

The Anticipation is KILLING me! and now….

….for the EXCITING conclusion of A Bear in the Air, Mr Wu’s big adventure, (of course there will be an epilogue on Wednesday, but at least now you know all the gory details!)!!!!

OK! Here it is!!!!

Bet ya didn't see this coming...or maybe you did.

Bet ya didn’t see this coming…or maybe you did.

The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire would like to thank the Sooperpanna for agreeing to appear in this saga of adventure, impending disaster, and panda kindergarten perfidy.  We would also like to point out that no pandas were harmed in the drawing of this cartoon.  Stay tuned for Wednesday’s epilogue, as well as a guest appearance by the panda kindergarten on Rumpydog’s blog later this week. On Friday we will post links to the entire saga, so that you can read the whole series in order, in case you missed any of them.

till then,

Be the Bear!

Huzzah! it is Mr Wu Wednesday (of COURSE I didn’t forget!)

Oh my, Mr Wu is in quite the pickle, is he not?  A “generous” gift from the panda kindergarten, a young panda’s thirst for adventure:  These things can go terribly wrong, don’t you think?  But why are we standing around talking about this?  Lets see how Mr Wu’s adventure, A Bear in the Air, is progressing!

Mr wu's cousin, da Sooperpanna, appears courtesy of Bruce Sebring, creator of the Sooperpanna Chronicles

Mr Wu’s cousin, da Sooperpanna, appears courtesy of Bruce Sebring, creator of the Sooperpanna Chronicles

Tune in Next week for the exciting conclusion!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: hey…who is that little panda down in the corner…I thought that….

I’m Late, I’m Late…for a Vewy Important Date!

So many of you have been sitting on the edges of your seats, wondering, what is going to happen to Mr Wu? Does a 9 month old cubby know how to fly, let alone LAND an airplane?  What was the panda kindergarten thinking when they gave Mr Wu an airplane, and then didn’t go with him on the first flight of The Fuzzy Cubby????? Will Mr Wu ever get out of detention when he gets home?  Are there about cuppycakes in solitary confinement?


To set your minds at ease, we here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire have been working day and night to find a solution to this dilemma.  Pandas are standing by to help, and in fact, we have had an offer from a very famous panda, who has space shuttle experience!  Tune in on Wednesday to see who this mystery panda could be.

But for now…

Nothing like a snappy graphic to um...solve a problem!

Nothing like a snappy graphic to… um…solve a problem!