Tag Archives: Bai Yun

Beware! Bears of the Air! Huzzah! It’s Mr Wu Wednesday!!!!!


As you are about to see, Mr Wu is about to have another adventure!  I must interject, however, that from the expression on Mr. Wu’s face in the second panel, he is, shall we say, becoming a member of the panda kindergarten in very good standing.

In fact, he could be stepping into the ring leader position, if you ask me.

Sigh.  His mother had such high hopes for him. (And what will all his girlfriends say?)

"Up in the Air, Junior Pandas..."

“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”

Can this cub be saved?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: You KNOW that I would never let anything happen to Mr. Wu, so just relax and enjoy the story.

Beware! Bears of the Air! Huzzah! It’s Mr Wu Wednesday!!!!!


As you are about to see, Mr Wu is about to have another adventure!  I must interject, however, that from the expression on Mr. Wu’s face in the second panel, he is, shall we say, becoming a member of the panda kindergarten in very good standing.

In fact, he could be stepping into the ring leader position, if you ask me.

Sigh.  His mother had such high hopes for him. (And what will all his girlfriends say?)

"Up in the Air, Junior Pandas..."

“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”

Can this cub be saved?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: You KNOW that I would never let anything happen to Mr. Wu, so just relax and enjoy the story.

Mehitabel Strikes Back!

Things are hopping here at panda central…paintings to paint, cartoons to draw, airplanes to build!  But in all the confusion, Mehitabel has taken the reigns (for today, at least) although the pandy kindy have a little project they are working on with the Wu self, so I think they will be on the loose very shortly!

Who will let the panda out of the bag!

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Cats!   When you care to send the very best!


Mehitabel Strikes Back!

Things are hopping here at panda central…paintings to paint, cartoons to draw, airplanes to build!  But in all the confusion, Mehitabel has taken the reigns (for today, at least) although the pandy kindy have a little project they are working on with the Wu self, so I think they will be on the loose very shortly!

Who will let the panda out of the bag!

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Cats!   When you care to send the very best!


It’s Mr Wu Wednesday and off we go with episode 2 of Mr Wu’s new adventure!

Off we go…into the wild blue….oh was that a clue?  What is in THAT BOX that the panda kindergarten brought for Mr Wu? Could it be……

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

Did they read the assembly instruction manual? Do they know what they are doing???!!!!!!?  I can hardly stand the wait!!!!!

To see what happens next, tune in next week for Mr Wu’s Big Adventure, Part the third. right here at our regularly scheduled blog.


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

And while you are in the neighborhood, check out my new post on Nothing Overlooked!

Huzzah! It’s Mr. Wu Wednesday!!!!!

Happy panda dance, it is Mr. Wu Wednesday and the beginning of a NEW adventure for Mr. Wu, with his …um…good friends, the panda kindergarten.  Please don’t tell his mom, ‘kay?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

This cartoon answers the age old question: is there a child alive that actually listens to what their mother tells them?

By the way, if you haven’t signed up for the Pandyland News Newsletter yet, what are ya waiting for?  It comes out approximately when ever I remember to write it (and I am figuring it out a little better, so as to eliminate those pesky newsletters to the wrong lists…oops!) and contains news and information about my books and special offers not available anywhere else.  Just sayin’ you might want to check it out.  It’s free to subscribe and you can easily unsubscribe if you think it is a complete waste of time.  And, if you haven’t gotten the two (2!!!!) Panda Chronicles Books yet, it has a nifty discount through the month of April, which is only available to newsletters subscribers.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda!

Oh yes, it IS Mr Wu Wednesday!

Would we even consider getting out of bed on Wednesdays, were it not for Mr. Wu?  We would not! Who would think that such a small panda could capture so many hearts?  Heck, I’d kiss him if his mother was nowhere around. While at the panda convention, which took place on Mr Wu’s home turf, the San Diego Zoo, one of the panda staff suggested that Yun Zi, Mr Wu’s resident big brother, is your typical teenager.  Another of our pandateers suggested that perhaps he would ride a skateboard and have an affinity for video games.  At least he doesn’t wear his pants hanging down.

Oh, wait.  he doesn’t wear pants…he’s a panda.

It is so hard for a small panda to prevail....

It is so hard for a small panda to prevail….

Hey!  It’s still launch week!  Do you have your copy of The Panda Chronicles Book 2:Wheel…of…Pandas! yet?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

I wanted to send out a quick thank you to all of you who have written a review on Amazon!  I blush to read them (are they really talking about MOI???) Heck!  they’d inspire me to buy these books!  Thanks to you all for reading my cartoons, liking my cartoons and being the bears!  Huzzah!  And if you haven’t written a (favorable) review yet on Amazon, what the heck are you waiting for –  the panda kindergarten to come to your house and …um…”touch” your stuff?

Did I forget it is Mr Wu Wednesday? Heck, NO!

As I said on Monday, I am a bit behind the time due to high level meetings with Pandas Worldwide at our annual conference.  Fortunately, I had managed to smuggle a transcript of the keynote address, delivered by none other than Mr. Wu!  And now, through the magic of the internet, I can share it with you now.  Huzzah!

What will that little bear say next?  Poor mountain village, indeed.

What will that little bear say next? Poor mountain village, indeed.

Oh that Mr. Wu!

And in case you are on the edge of your seat, waiting for news of The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…PANDAS! you do not have long to wait.  I am planning to release the bears (so to speak) on April Fools day and there will be special discounts for launch week.  Huzzah!  Stay tuned right here to this very spot to learn how you can get your book and have more panda kindergarten antics at your fingertips.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Did I forget it is Mr Wu Wednesday? Heck, NO!

As I said on Monday, I am a bit behind the time due to high level meetings with Pandas Worldwide at our annual conference.  Fortunately, I had managed to smuggle a transcript of the keynote address, delivered by none other than Mr. Wu!  And now, through the magic of the internet, I can share it with you now.  Huzzah!

What will that little bear say next?  Poor mountain village, indeed.

What will that little bear say next? Poor mountain village, indeed.

Oh that Mr. Wu!

And in case you are on the edge of your seat, waiting for news of The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…PANDAS! you do not have long to wait.  I am planning to release the bears (so to speak) on April Fools day and there will be special discounts for launch week.  Huzzah!  Stay tuned right here to this very spot to learn how you can get your book and have more panda kindergarten antics at your fingertips.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s a Windy Wu’sday, as Mr Wu prepares to greet his Panda Fans! Huzzah!

Up here in the panda-less Pacific Northwest, one thing we are never short of are wind and rain.  OK, that was two things, but they do kind of go together! Although, right now, we are having wind and SUN!  But I bet you wish I would quit blathering about the weather, and get the latest cartoon from Mr Wu up on this site.

OK, OK, here it is!

Don't you love "rear shots" of baby pandas?

Don’t you love “rear shots” of baby pandas?

And don’t forget,  Book 2 of The Panda Chronicles is about to be released!  Stay tuned on this very page or follow us on twitter @pandachronicle  and now you can like us on facebook on Bob The Panda‘s newly remodeled page.  Woot woot huzzah!  Huzzah!

Be the bear!