Tag Archives: Bai Yun

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday, once again!

Here we are, on a Friday morning, and we’d like to discuss the role of pandas in art history. I don’t know if anyone noticed in the most recent Wu on Wednesday cartoon, that Bai Yun’s pose in the first panel, was taken directly from a Caravaggio painting at The National Gallery in London, Supper at Emmaus. I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I had wasted seven years in art school.

Speaking of pandas in art, a painting that was recently discovered in the basement of a London Gallery, which wished to be unnamed, proves beyond the shadow of a doubt, that James Abbott McNeil Whistler had a thing for pandas, in this first version of a painting of his mother. Rumor has it that he had asked his mother for funds to travel to Italy, as he had recently been bankrupted after the Ruskin trial.  She refused, and he painted this portrait of her, as a panda.  later he relented and painting a portrait that was more of a likeness, but many thought that the original painting was more flattering.

"Arrangement in Black, White, and Gray" by James A. McNeil Whistler

“Arrangement in Black, White, and Gray” by James A. McNeil Whistler

Till next week,

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


Mr Wu is very, very, VERY, sorry.

Mr. Wu’s pirate adventure has come to an end, but don’t be sad.  The panda kindergarten is already plotting his next adventure, if only they can evade the long paw of the law (aka Bai Yun) who is not, to say the least, very happy with them.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

But you just can’t keep a good small bear down for long, right?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda

Episode 4 (but not quite the last!) of Wu da Pirate!

It has been an exciting, not to mention hair-…er..fur-raising adventure for Mr. Wu and his mama! Here is the next installment in our saga.  (I told you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Mister Wu.)

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Stay tuned next week for the final episode of our adventure with Wu Da Piwate.  Where will Wu go next?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

And if you haven’t already signed up for our monthly (more or less, depending if anything is happening) newsletter, you can do so by clicking on the link above or here. Get news of new releases before anyone else, as well as special offers only available to newsletter subscribers!

Episode 4 (but not quite the last!) of Wu da Pirate!

It has been an exciting, not to mention hair-…er..fur-raising adventure for Mr. Wu and his mama! Here is the next installment in our saga.  (I told you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Mister Wu.)

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Stay tuned next week for the final episode of our adventure with Wu Da Piwate.  Where will Wu go next?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

And if you haven’t already signed up for our monthly (more or less, depending if anything is happening) newsletter, you can do so by clicking on the link above or here. Get news of new releases before anyone else, as well as special offers only available to newsletter subscribers!

Another Episode of Pirates of the Pandabean, starring Mr. Wu! (It is Wednesday, after all.)

Yes, me hearties and fans of Mr. Wu!  It’s time for another episode of the piratical adventures of Mr. Wu! Arrrgh!

Can looting and plundering be far behind?

Can looting and plundering be far behind?

Yo ho ho Huzzah!  Oddly enough, I’m listening to a story on the radio about pirates as I write this post.  Arrgh and avast me pandys!  (Strangely, there was no mention of panda involvement in the story of pirates on the Carolina coast.  Go figure.)

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Wuoops! Hold on to that panda!

Mr. Wu is growing up, and if last weeks videos have shown us anything, it’s that Mr. Wu has a lot of potential to be a fully contributing member of the panda kindergarten.  Never before have I seen a panda cub get a horsie ride from mom!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. “Mr. automotive safety” Panda

Wuoops! Hold on to that panda!

Mr. Wu is growing up, and if last weeks videos have shown us anything, it’s that Mr. Wu has a lot of potential to be a fully contributing member of the panda kindergarten.  Never before have I seen a panda cub get a horsie ride from mom!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. “Mr. automotive safety” Panda

Wunderful Wu’sday!

I just can’t resist!  Wu is the perfect panda child…precocious, plump, and poofy! (not to mention immanently cuddlable!)

After his brilliant debut a few weeks ago, and the discovery of his newfound talent for choreography, it was high time Mr. Wu gave a press conference, wouldn’t you think?

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

We expect great things from Mr. Wu! And for those of you who have become addicted to Mr. wu’s appearances here, never fear!  As long as Mr. Wu continues to be cute (and, like, is THAT ever going to stop?  I don’t think so,) we will bring his antics to you here, at The Panda Chronicles!

Stay tuned on Friday, when we reveal secret HISTORICAL panda photos!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

A special “Wu Saturday Post”

The incomparable Doxiemom Pandamonium sent me this link to one of her videos starring the fabulous Mr Wu, playing with his leaf.  This is where Mr Wu, an up and coming choreographer, got his idea for his composition “Dances wif Weaf” Mr Wu is one of the youngest pandas to participate in the “Putting Pandas to Work Program” which trains young pandas for useful employment once they graduate from panda kindergarten.  Here’s the link.

And here’s my cartoon that was inspired by this video, in case you missed it:

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Happy Saturday,

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

A special “Wu Saturday Post”

The incomparable Doxiemom Pandamonium sent me this link to one of her videos starring the fabulous Mr Wu, playing with his leaf.  This is where Mr Wu, an up and coming choreographer, got his idea for his composition “Dances wif Weaf” Mr Wu is one of the youngest pandas to participate in the “Putting Pandas to Work Program” which trains young pandas for useful employment once they graduate from panda kindergarten.  Here’s the link.

And here’s my cartoon that was inspired by this video, in case you missed it:

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Happy Saturday,

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda