Tag Archives: Bai Yun

It’s Mr Wu’s Birthday Week

Huzzah, Huzzah! We are taking a little time out from Pinky’s latest adventure story, in order to celebrate the birthday week of one of our favorite (one might say NO 1 Favorite!) young pandas. Xiao Liwu, nicknamed Mr. Wu by his keeper nannies, is the last of Bai Yun’s six cubs. He was born in 2012 and turns five years old and he is still here! (Don’t tell! Maybe they will forget he is still living in Pandiego and not in China!) I have read reports that he will be here until sometime in 2018, but one never knows!

Meanwhile, I thought I would celebrate his birthday week with a brand new Wu ‘toon!

Happy Birthday week Mr. Wu! I’m sure your mom won’t do anything to embarrass you on the internet!

birthday week

It’s so hard to be cool when you still live with your mom.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

(and if you want to see the video that so embarrassed the Wu Self, see it here!) And as Mr. Wu said, “wif all dat measuring, you would fink da wu self would get a tux or somefing.”

And now, for the Wu Self Birthday Season!!!

Huzzah! It is time for the birthday season of our very own Wu Self, that paragon of pandas, that handsome hunk of hubba hubba, that fabulously furry fuzzbutt…

Ahem… It is hard not to get excited about Mr. Wu. He was the first actual panda that made a name for himself here at The Panda Chronicles and he captured the hearts of people all around the globe, especially after his record breaking well cubby check up video hit the airwaves.

So, without further ado, let us kick off the Wu’ Self’s birthday season with some classic Wu ‘toons!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

And I bet you are happy to see that Little Mr. Wu is safe and sound!

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

An explorer’s work is never done.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Stay tuned for more from Mr. Wu next week, but don’t forget on Sunday we return with the next episode of “Being Endangered is Such a Curse” starring you know who!

Keep being the bear!
Bob T Panda

Pinky is not going to like this

So what else is new? Am I really supposed to spend all my days trying to write stories that are all about Pinky all the time? I thought as a writer that I had at least a little bit of free will and discretion about what my stories are about. And really, Pinky, if you think that my stories are making you look bad, you could…oh, I don’t know…maybe behave a little better and not tease your brother so much?

What was I thinking!!!!??? We are talking about PINKY here!!!!


Commence propeller spin…now!

By the way, if you haven’t seen it yet, pop over to the Froggwell Blog and check out my post about creating…um…forgeries of my other favorite bear!

Panda On!!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday… Arrr!

There are TWO important “days” coming up. No, it’s not Pinky’s birthday again, or even mine for that matter. Saturday, September 17th is International Red Panda Day, and Monday, September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Arrr! In honor of these days, Fabulous Furry Friday brings you encore presentation ‘toons of Red Pandas and Pirate adventures! Huzzah! I mean… Arrr!

And every day around here is Talk Like a Panda Day!

"They'll never catch me!"

“They’ll never catch me!”

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

And who can forget Mr. Wu’s Pirate adventure?

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

21) Rusty the scuppers, pirate crew...

21) Rusty the scuppers, pirate crew…

uh oh!

uh oh!

The penguins save the day!

The penguins save the day!

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Yes, It is the official banner of International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!!

Yes, It is the official banner of International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!!

Have a great weekend! Don’t forget, there is still time to enter the drawing to win Toby’s book and swag! But you must visit and comment on THIS POST to have a chance to win! (US addresses only)

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


Fabulous Fabulous Furry Friday

By the time this goes to press, the new twins of Zoo Atlanta will hopefully be one whole week old. I say hopefully, because as fabulous a mom as Lun Lun is, and as wonderfully dedicated and competent as the whole panda support staff is, baby pandas are incredibly fragile and many things can still go wrong. I’m not trying to be Debby Downer here. These are the facts and Nature is a hard mother sometimes. But today, when the cubs are not even 12 hours old, we in the panda community are rejoicing, and nobody rejoices like a panda!

So let’s party like a panda!!!!!

There's nothing on earth that I'd rather do....

There’s nothing on earth that I’d rather do….

Mehitabel gets even.

Mehitabel gets even.

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

The panda kindergarten in las vegas hotel room

What happens in the panda kindergarten, STAYS in the panda kindergarten

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

One panda's disaster is another panda's delight!

One panda’s disaster is another panda’s delight!

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Be sure to tune in on Sunday for a special ‘toon from all the junior pandas of the Panda Chronicles!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Phexit 1

Phexit – Brexit – what’s the difference? Well, at least at first glance, Brexit did not involve pandas, although……if Scotland proceeds with its intention to consider another vote for independence, England would have no easy access to pandas, as in the Scottish pandas in Edinburgh!!!!

Dis will not stand!

But…ahem…anyway, after setting up last week’s Friday post, I realized I had missed an opportunity to celebrate the Wu Self right on his actual birthday!!!!! Fortunately, according to the International Birthday Season codes and standards, today could STILL be considered Wu’s birthday season, (depending on how you interpret the rules) so along with today’s feature brand new ‘toon, allow me to rectify my grievous omission and add a few classic Wu-toons into today’s post.

Meanwhile, it is not enough that Pinky has pitched a hissy fit over the alleged slight from the Meihems, vis-a-vis their party invitation or lack thereof, but now, she has yet another sinister web with which she tries to ensnare Bubba. Has this panda no boundaries?

Pinky, do you really think that Bubba will fall for this?

Pinky, do you really think that Bubba will fall for this?

And while Bubba is beginning to be a little wary of Pinky’s plans (especially when they concern him or Banky Pig) he is impressed by her clever bending of the societal rules.

And now, for a rousing 4th Birthday tribute to the Wu Self!

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?” This was my first ‘toon starring Mr. Wu

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

It is so hard for a small panda to prevail....

It is so hard for a small panda to prevail….

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Baby Panda Season

What better distraction is there to world events, the 2016 presidential election, and the lack of cake at my house, than BABY PANDA SEASON ??????? Pandas are popping out all over, and while we wait to see if Lun Lun (mom of the Meihems) or Lady MacBear of Edinburgh are going to gift us with bouncing baby pandas, we must be satisfied with reports and pictures of panda kiddies in China and Belgium.

So to celebrate Baby Panda Season, we here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire and Fabulous Furry Friday bring you some of our favorite cartoons about….baby pandas! (What? you thought it was going to be about the gross national product forecasts or the effect on global economies if Britain leaves the EU?)

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

And then just one year later, Meihem ensued!

Oh, those southern Belle pandas!

Oh, those southern Belle pandas!

And then along came PINKY!

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?


Princess Pinky is drawing a line in the sandbox. Even as a baby, she was a force to be reckoned with.

But then we had no new baby pandas till 10 months ago when Pinky’s little brother Bubba arrived…although that event was a mixed blessing…

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

One of Mei Xiang’s twin cubs did not survive, and Pinky dealt with the loss as only Pinky can…

Mr Bun has a question, daddee.

Mr Bun has a question, daddee.

I love Pinky’s resilience! But we would not be doing our job here if we did not include one of my favorite baby Bubba ‘toons.

Bubba's first feature role!

Bubba’s first feature role!

He's small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

I hope we have distracted you sufficiently from the trials and turmoil of the real world.
Be the Bear, everyone!
Bob T Panda



It’s a Beautiful Tail!

You knew it would come to this. Following the scripts of the various debates that we have been bludgeoned with, politicians trading insults…Liars lying about previous lies, BEARS BEHAVING BADLY!!!!! Is this the panda kindergarten? A Beautiful Tail? Looks a little short to me.

"This is not a loser tail!!!!!"

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”

Are Bob and Pinky reaching a new consensus? Could Bob be inspired to concede and get behind Pinky’s candidacy? Stay tuned! anything can happen where pandas are involved.

Daddy Panda News for Father’s Day

Meanwhile among real pandas and the people who love them, we have just learned sad news from San Diego Zoo. The rock star, stud muffin wild guy panda with one short ear and extra furry feet, father of five fabulous cubbies here at SDZ, Gao Gao, has been diagnosed with a very bad heart condition. They think he is around 26. Being wild born, they don’t know his exact age. He has been in somewhat compromised health for a few years now and they have been monitoring his heart condition carefully. We don’t know how long he has left, but I can assure you that the veterinary staff at SDZ is doing everything they can do for him.

Gao Gao has an interesting story of how he came to live at the San Diego Zoo. As a two year old, he was found injured and brought to one of the panda research centers to be treated. After he healed, he was released. But finding that being fed and waited upon was far superior to having to fight for territory and scarce resources, he returned to the center and asked to be readmitted. Eventually, he went to live in San Diego with the Beautiful Bai Yun and together they had five cubs, the last of which is Xiao Liwu, known to his friends and fans as Mr. Wu.

A panda fun fact about Gao Gao is that he has one short ear, most likely the result of a fight when he was a wild cub fending for himself. It is the reason my cartoon version of Mr. Wu always has his left ear taped down! It is a tribute to his dad!

I know many people who have not been to a zoo in over 30 years have an antiquated and unfortunate preconception about zoos. yes, there are still some of those horrible zoos with too small cages and depressed animals, but most zoos in North America, Japan, and Europe have taken huge strides in providing comfort and engagement for their animals, and San Diego Zoo is one of the best. Yes, it would be wonderful if panda’s traditional roaming areas were still intact, but the virgin forested areas where they once roamed are reduced to a tiny percentage of what they once were. But the pandas that live in these well staffed and well appointed zoos live the life of Riley (whoever he is) and generally live 10 to 15 years longer than their wild counterparts.

Happy Fathers Day to those who celebrate their relationship with their dads as something wonderful and nurturing. and for those who don’t…well…go have a cuppycake or two and think about someone who loved you.

Be the Bear
Bob T. panda

Fabulous Furry Wu-Day!

Having just returned from the Panda fest at the Pandiego Zoo, I just had to share a few more ‘toons about the very wonderful Wu Self for fabulous Furry Wu-Day! As a side note, when I was there at the zoo, I gave a copy of The Book of Wu to the panda keepers and narrators, and when they looked at it, they were amazed that someone had written stories about Wu. Pretty cool, huh?

So, here are more ‘toons, celebrating the ever popular Mr. Wu!

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Don't you love "rear shots" of baby pandas?

Don’t you love “rear shots” of baby pandas?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Of course, if you want to read all the Mr. wu stories, you know the drill! Buy my book! Huzzah! Remember, it’s book 4 of The Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu; Available at Amazon!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Celebrate Wu

I love Mr. Wu, San Diego’s junior panda in residence. Because Mr. Wu turns four years old this summer, he will most likely be moving to China sometime this fall or winter, I thought we should celebrate Wu and all things relating to the Wu self today.

I know, I know! I hate the idea of his leaving us too, but it is part of the deal we make with China in order to have pandas come and live here. And because Mr. Wu’s dad, Gao Gao, was born in the wild, Wu is of particular value as the future father of more little pandas. So we must shower him with love and affection while he is here, and try not to cry too much until then.

So let’s have a Fabulous Furry Friday salute to Mr. Wu!!!!

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

Mr. Wu’s first appearance on The Panda Chronicles

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

While Mr. Wu was the only cub in the U.S. we had Mr. Wu Wednesday!

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can't...Wu?

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can’t…Wu?

And who could forget the exciting story of The Wizard of Wu? And remember, you can read all of the Mr. Wu stories in Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu! Get it here!

Have a great weekend, everyone! More pandas coming your way on Sunday!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda