…and there is no one there to hear it, who gets to eat the cuppycake?
Well, this may be a first for the Panda Chronicles, a cartoon with no pandas! However, this panda-less tale comes to us from none other than panda chronicler par excellence`, Henry Nicholls, Author of The Way of the Panda. Henry was kind enough to alert me to the story of a bear in Alaska, who followed his nose to a cuppycake birthday party.
I am not making (some of) this up.

Cuppycakes are to bears as toast is to otters.
And although there are no pandas in this particular episode, Mr B. Bear has agreed to appear on the Mehitabel Tonite! Show next week, to talk about his traumatic ordeal. Won’t that be fun?
And while you are thinking about cuppycakes, I think you should hop (or galumph, depending on how many cuppycakes you have eaten today) on over to V Something Speaks and read the first recipe of The Panda Chronicles Cuppycake Cookbook! It celebrates Princess Pinky, who as everyone knows, is having her first birthday next month.
And, um…Mr Wu has his birthday next week. We haven’t forgotten you, Mr Wu. You will always be number one with me!

Woe is Wu…upstaged by a bunch of gurls!
You might want to watch the San Diego Zoo pandacam on Tuesday morning, for Mr Wu’s birthday party. Last year his girlfriends at the zoo made him an absolutely spectacular cake for his first birthday, and I’m sure they will attempt to out-do themselves this year.
I hope you are off to a panda-ful week!
Be the Bear (any kind of bear, really!)
Bob T. Panda