Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time. Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask? It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.
If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.
I mean it. psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.
Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days. So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM when everyone, including yourself, is asleep. Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish? I know I do.
In the meantime, here are some more pandas! Huzzah! This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.
Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)
Be the bear! Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob T. Panda