Tag Archives: be the bear

Bears will be Bears!

A big thanks and a couple of cuppycakes to my faithful friends and readers, who send me nooz stories of bears behaving badly! Apparently a bear had to be rescued from a California amusement park. Thanks for the valuable* tip! (*No actual monetary value)

Has anyone seen Frank and Mikey around?

And who among us can resist that pink cotton candy that proliferated at amusement parks and county fairs?

Be the bear everyone!
Bob T Panda

Time to spin the Wayback Wheel and see what turns up!

Some weeks I have a time to expound upon, and then I look for archived ‘toons that illuminate that theme. Other weeks I have no idea what I’m thinking of and then I just have to spin the wheel and see what pops up.

One thing you can be sure of, it’s likely that Pinky will be involved!

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

Well…no Pinky in that one! let’s try again!

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!
And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?
I really had no idea what she was up to.
Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Well as Pinky all says, you can never have enough ‘toons about Pinky!


Till next time,

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Bubba goes all Shakesbear for his Dramatic Reading!

I always felt that Bubba was something of an intellectual. Perhaps he will major in English Literature in college!

Here’s his poem!

Meanwhile, Pinky is all “is dis a dagger I sees before me right before I stick it into your…” just before Mommee Mei sends her to her room for a time out. Meanwhile did you you hear something go “poof”????

I hope you have been able to forget for a few minutes, while you read this ‘toon, the live action 3-D full immersion via the GQP, into the Handmaid’s Tale.

Yeah…me neither.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

A Salute to Mom Pandas!

It’s Mother’s Day in the US so I thought it would be good to salute the panda moms that sometimes…um…don’t get the respect they deserve from their cubbies.

I will try to NOT have it be all Pinky all the time

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Pinky tests her powers….
Those girls are a force to be reckoned with.
I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.

It seems like I should include at least ONE ‘toon with Mei yelling at Pinky! (I tried really hard not to have ALL of them be yelling Mei!)

uh oh…

I hope you enjoyed our Mother’s Day Salute to Panda Moms!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

School Days! (or was that “daze”?)

How is it May already? School seems like it just started and here we are rolling up to summer. Have the panda kids learned anything from Beary Poppins?

The Nooz continues to be grim. Mittens won’t shut up and go away. The Supremes are ready to take away the rights of women, and that doesn’t seem to be where they will stop. The rights of anyone who is not a christian, white, straight, male are being challenged everywhere you look. Abortion and the right to choose has been the law of the land since I became an adult. It’s time to raise our voices, show up and vote these jerks out of office. (I realize we can’t vote SCOTUS out, be we can vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.)

I wish Pinky would just poof the bad people away.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

May Day! May Day!

Before we begin with today’s ‘toon archive presentation, I thought I would reveal the answer to the riddle posed in last Thursday’s ‘toon post. I asked if people could identify the painting and painter that Bebe Maurice was reprising, with his petite zizzies as his models.

It was, of course, John Singer Sargent’s Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, or as one of our alert readers revealed from some writings of Mr. Sargent, he referred to it as Damnation, silly, silly, pose. He has a point, I guess, but it has remained one of my all time favorite paintings, by one of my favorite painters. And it really ought to be done with pandas! The painting resides at London’s Tate Britain, along with many other works by Sargent.

Aren’t you glad I didn’t sleep through ALL my art history classes?

I also wanted to share my method for covering N95/KN95 masks, to make them more fun to wear. It requires no sewing ability, but sharp scissors are very helpful:

these masks are not washable, but you can wear them several times. throw away when stinky or dirty, like you would any other mask.

Now for some ‘toons while we celebrate May Day!! While we are in Art History mode….

Of COURSE he would be an artist!
We are pandas of mystery!
What grace! What form! Bebe Maurice is a painter to be reckoned with!

And from deep in the archives, even Bob had some artistic tendencies!

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

Proving once again, that I have not frittered away 7 years of Art School!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Happy May Day, and to all the organizing Starbucks workers, happy International worker’s Day!

A Panda of Mystery (continued)

I still don’t know where this story is going, but I found my way into it a bit more. When we left the Panda Chateau, Bebe Maurice’s Maman had just received a mysterious letter from an applicant to be a governess to Fleur and Snowy….

Extra credit if you can identify the painter and painting that B. Maurice is reprising here.

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda