So many dolts, so little time! It is hard to imagine how the junior senator from Texas thought it was in ANY way appropriate to go jetting off to Cancun while most of his state was
A) freezing
B) without electricity or natural gas
C) without water, drinkable or otherwise.
His pathetic excuse of an apology tour on right wing propaganda “news” shows, demonstrates just how completely clueless he is. And this on the heels of his aiding and abetting The Big Lie, which contributed to Mittens attempt at armed insurrection. I’m sure there will have to be a ‘toon about this, but meanwhile…
Minch McTurtle attempts to have it both ways…
I’m glad most of my Texas friends have checked in to let me know there are okay. Please feel free to chime in in the comments. I know that there are more of you out there in Pandyland.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda