Bears do NOT have things easy. For one thing there are not nearly the number of unattended picnic baskets left in easy reach of bears that there should be, and the dearth of unlocked cars with boxes of donuts left enticingly in plain view is just shocking. (Bears have an excellent sense of smell, you know.)
But the person who put a tRUmp sticker on the tracking collar of a black bear in Asheville, North Carolina has gone several steps too far. AS a spokes bear for the organization from Help Asheville Bears (HAB) said, that the person responsible for the sticker placement had “apologized for their actions and promised not to have any contact with any bears in the future.”
One does wonder about the promise to “not have any contact with bears in the future”…
Surely they didn’t mean Frank and Mikey! Who could resist them?

Nobody could resist Frank or Mikey! Dis definitely will not stand!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Hey! it’s Six and Sebben’s Birthday today! Tune in on Sunday for all Six and Sebben, all the time! (Pinky MIGHT have hogged an extra Sunday ‘toon round up!)
While we wait, here is a conversation that was overheard outside the playroom of Six and Sebben…
Sebben: it’s our birfday today! will we get cakes?
Six: well, it is my birfday an’ not yoors.
Sebben: what you mean it’s not my birfday? wee is twins
Six: dat’s just what mommee and daddee told yoo.
Sebben: well I get cake an’ pressies.
Six: no yoo don’t.
Sebben: I am gonna ask mommee.
Six: go ‘head. shee’ll tell yoo. she din’t want to tell yoo before, but no yoo are old enough to know
Sebben: know what?
Six: I can say no more
Sebben: MOMMEEEEEEE!!!! six is being meanie again!!!
Lun Lun: sigh…now what?