Tag Archives: bears in the news

Bears in the Nooz

People have very generously been sharing current Bear NooZ stories with me, and you would not believe some of the things those naughty bears get up to! You may rest easy, knowing that at least some of these stories will find their way into ‘toons (starring Frank and Mikey, perhaps!) for your enjoyment and edification.

So now, let’s take a look at ‘toons from bear stories past (I know pandas are bears too, but they are not the ONLY bears, no matter what Pinky say!)

All together now!!! Be! The Bear!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

Misery bear is too a bear!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Introducing Frank and Mikey in their debut appearance!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

For those of you who are expecting Mr. Wu pins in the mail, they should start arriving this week, if they haven’t arrived already. Please feel free to share your photos of their arrival on twitter or FezBook!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Look Out!!!!

So… when I work on my ‘toons, I pretty much schedule them in the order that I drew them, and if there is a time sensitive subject matter (like the ‘toon I’m going to run on Thursday), I try to draw them in that order. in my obsessive compulsive way, I even write the date and day on the page in my sketchbook where I write the ‘toons.

But this ‘toon cracks me up so much that I couldn’t wait for the whole two and a half weeks till its turn to run came up in the ‘toon schedule.

Because, when it comes to fierce animals, you don’t mess with grizzly bears!

Don’t (*snorf*) look like food!

And then there was the news that HWMNBN was going to get his way in regard to tanks in his military dictator parade. Oh….um…did I say that outloud? 


Do we HAVE to go?

Don’t forget to go check out the Mr. Wu Pin Kickstarter! I have a really great stretch goal that I’m just dying to tell you about!!!

Panda On!
Bob T panda