Tag Archives: Bears in the Nooz

Bear With Me

The bears with me, of course, are Frank, Mikey, Josie, and Pookie, and of course all the pandas. I recently changed the name of my Substack to Friendly to Bears, just because. I recently wrote a new thing there, which I hope you’ll read.

There is no truth to the rumor that Frank and Mikey have taken control of the ‘toons and are compelling me to write ‘toons about them instead of pandas. We will prove this by sharing today’s ‘toon…um…what happened? Where are the pandas?

The story about Frank and Mikey’s mom came from the keeper talk about the grizzly bear brothers who live in San Diego. Their mom really did get arrested and she really did get a “job” test garbage cans. I hope she doesn’t get fired with all the firings in the park system as well as the rest of the government.

The story about Josie..well, you be the judge if this is true.

There was a story on Fezbok about a little bear that was rescued by cows, until the Appalachian Bear rescue found him. Was it really Josie? We’ll never tell!

Keep being the bear
Bob T is friendly to bears Panda

The True Scoop on Hank the Tank comes to you on ZooNooZ!

So. Many. Bears in the NooZ!!!!! If it’s not bears in swimming pools, reports of bears climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, (Really! More to come on this shocking story!)bears breaking into cars, it’s the top story of the day, the arrest of Hank the Tank!

Of course, ZooNooZ got the first interview!

well, I don’t know that we’ll be RIGHT back with more on Hank…I mean Henrietta’s story, but we will be back eventually!

As you know, it is Birthday Week in DC!

Monday was Bikkie’s 3rd birthday (where DOES the time go?) today is Bubba’s and of course, tomorrow is Pinky’s birthday. I’ve done birthday extravaganza posts over at Substack, so if you want to see what some of my favorite ‘toons for each of the bears are, head over to Substack to see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t trying to take her purse Panda

Bears will be Bears!

A big thanks and a couple of cuppycakes to my faithful friends and readers, who send me nooz stories of bears behaving badly! Apparently a bear had to be rescued from a California amusement park. Thanks for the valuable* tip! (*No actual monetary value)

Has anyone seen Frank and Mikey around?

And who among us can resist that pink cotton candy that proliferated at amusement parks and county fairs?

Be the bear everyone!
Bob T Panda