Tag Archives: Beary Poppins

Part 2 of our Encore Presentation of our Holiday Classic, Beary Poppins!

Here we are! Hi Hi Hi Hi!

Let’s get our popcorn and hot chocolate and watch part 2 of Beary Poppins!

Don’t you just LOVE six and Sebben?
Gosh I really hate to leave you on this cliffhanger for the weekend, but…
Bikkie has a name!!!!
Once upon a time…
Bikkie loves Beary Poppins! Also Rory the Dinosaur by Liz Climo
I think Biscuit and Beary Poppins are forming a real bond!
It wasn’t me!
A promise is a promise, even among grizzly bears!
Let’s go fly a kite…
uh oh.
I was afraid there would be yelling…so much yelling!
Silly old bears!

Wasn’t that fun? Did you forget reality for a little while? I know I did!

Here’s the thing: we have to keeping remembering there is joy in creativity, in art, in stories, in dancing around the room singing along with Taylor Swift. The Panda Chronicles might not be as popular as Tay Tay, but we believe in the joy that pandas and friendship bring. We are going to need all the joy we can muster to stand up to the dark forces that are coming.

Be the Beary Brave Bears
Bob T I am a Swifty Panda

Another International Incident Narrowly Averted

Never underestimate the diplomatic value of hot cocoa (with liddle marshymallows) and cookies!

I’m guessing everyone involved (except for the First Lady) will be grounded.

A reminder that my pontificating can be found over on my new Substack NoozLetter. Feel free to subscribe as a free or paid subscriber. Both are welcome! Also, I am making progress on my new book! Hopefully by next week I’ll be ready to do a cover reveal and have a little more accurate estimate of when it will be available.

Till then…

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m tired of winter Panda

What goes up…More spy balloon nonsense

It was nice of whoever is continuing to float UFOs around the sky so that my ‘toon series would be relevant. Was this a spy balloon, or just a wayward panda cubby?

You be the judge!

You had ONE JOB, Beary Poppins!

Hee Hee!

Be the Bear
Bob T I told you nothing bad would happen Panda

And now, a Poem from your Preferred Panda, Ping

Pandas like the letter “P”

Sorry for the late posting. I’ve been burning the midnight oil, the dawn coffee, and all the hours in between as I get ready for my painting show in July. where oh where did the time go?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

School Days! (or was that “daze”?)

How is it May already? School seems like it just started and here we are rolling up to summer. Have the panda kids learned anything from Beary Poppins?

The Nooz continues to be grim. Mittens won’t shut up and go away. The Supremes are ready to take away the rights of women, and that doesn’t seem to be where they will stop. The rights of anyone who is not a christian, white, straight, male are being challenged everywhere you look. Abortion and the right to choose has been the law of the land since I became an adult. It’s time to raise our voices, show up and vote these jerks out of office. (I realize we can’t vote SCOTUS out, be we can vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.)

I wish Pinky would just poof the bad people away.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Bears of the Baskervilles part 3

We are predicted to get a very wild windstorm later on Sunday night, as I write this, so I thought I would get this scheduled so certain people aren’t left hanging! (you know who you are!) Who could this mysterious visitor be?

Well, if you already knew, it wouldn’t be mysterious, would it?

mysteries upon mysteries!

Whoever could this be, and what connection do they have to someone at the Panda House? ‘Toon in again to find out!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

It’s Lesson Time at the Panda House!

But before we get to that…

I must sadly tell you that ONCE AGAIN I was not awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant for Panda Satire. Announcement day has left me a sad panda (but you get to see my favorite cartoon!)

In 10 Years There Has Not Been One Grant Awarded in Panda Satire!!!!

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Also, today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not registered to vote, what are you waiting for? By not using your voice, you allow others to speak for you and you might not like what they’re saying. Please register and please vote. Even in little pesky local elections like school board! You might not think those are important, but we are finding out that they are. Even here on (mostly) true blue South Whidbey, there is an ongoing attempt to replace smart, caring school board members with anti-vaxxing, anti-equality right wing authoritarians.

I’m gonna be voting, I’m going to remind my friends to vote. Don’t let Mittens rule from the rear!

And Here’s Today’s ‘Toon!

Bikkie is still showing how smart he is!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Who’s that knocking at my door….

Just a reminder, that in Pandyland, this is all taking place on the same day.

Were you waiting for something?

Knock knock…Who’s there?

How about that! Bikkie got his wish!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Did everyone remember to celebrate Pinky’s Birthday on Monday? Did you have cake? Get her presents?

And there is yet more excitement yet to come on Thursday, when Bebe Maurice unveils his masterpiece!

Mittens Ruins Everything!

A great collective sigh of relief went out over the country at 12:01 PM EST on Wednesday. The naysayers and the #NeverDemocracy folks may disagree, but if allowed to govern, I think the Biden/Harris administration will do good things for all of us. It hurts my heart and brain to hear the lies that are still being told by those who tried to overturn a fair election. I hope normal sleep will return someday soon.

But meanwhile, Pinky has some thoughts…

Despair not little bear! Daddee’s Panda Express Card is but a room away!

Brave enough to be a panda,
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 24 (It’s Crispmoss Eve!)

Yes, it is Crsipmoss Eve, and you know what that means! Tomorrow, by popular request, (okay, it was just Linda, but I bet more of you were hoping  for this, weren’t you?) we will enjoy (yes, ENJOY!!!) The Twelve Days of Crispmoss! (Pinky: starring ME!!!!)

But now, let’s have another (very!) exciting episode of Beary Poppins!!!

uh oh.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. We could certainly all use a little more peace and light in the world.

Be the bear,
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for the 12 days of Crispmoss!

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….