We thought we told you not to open the door, Pinky!

What could possibly go wrong?????
See ya tomorrow!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
See ya tomorrow!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Rumor has it we are in line for yet another wind storm with probable power outages. To prepare, I have eaten all the ice cream (waste not, want not), made some more ice blocks to keep things in the fridge cold, and now am trying to get a few posts scheduled so that YOU don’t miss a single Day of Pandas! (aren’t I fabulous?) I would go by the hardware store to stock up on more batteries and maybe get a few more battery powered lights, but I’m guessing the shelves have already been cleared. Oh well.
‘Toon in tomorrow as our story continues!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Okay, so maybe Robert Mueller was a little bit of a disappointment, but there are still crimes to be revealed and punished. Way more, in fact than there were four years ago when this ‘toon was written. Buckle up, panda pals! It’s still a bumpy ride!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
I see great inspiration in Bebe Maurice’s future, with his baby sisters as his inspiration!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Want to order some felty pandas? Use this form!
The Unveiling of Bebe Maurice’s masterpiece….
How did she get into the picture? Artists can see things other people can’t?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Just a reminder, that in Pandyland, this is all taking place on the same day.
How about that! Bikkie got his wish!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
And there is yet more excitement yet to come on Thursday, when Bebe Maurice unveils his masterpiece!
Do you think Frank and Mikey will make it back in time?
Just whose car did they “borrow”
Stay tuned!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda
Bebe Maurice will have his paws full trying to get everyone to sit still and pose for this Pawtrait. I hope he can paint fast! The birthday season is barely a week and a half away! And Bikkie is bereft of his Beary Poppins. Will the dashing duo make it in time for the party?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
We’re back in the Panda House, but also…
So, as a special treat, one of my favorite Wu-toons ebber!
I wanna have my way wif WU!!!!
Apologies once again for late posting…better get used to it, I think.
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
I thought I would be having a lot more fun by now: Biden in the White House, Covid Relief checks out to the people, majorities in the House and Senate…but no. Fascism still is rearing it’s ugly head and making me tired. And as we all know, it’s all about me!
This week we’ll have a report from Frank and Mikey as they travel to Alaska to spend some time with their family, and Mei Xiang checks in with her sister! I bet you know what (or who!) is coming next!
But now, let’s dive into the archives for a little of that debonair French panda cubby!
Did I hear the Bebe Maurice was going to be making a visit to the Panda House in DC? perhaps he will paint a family portrait!
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
Try to hold off the end of democracy for at least another week!