Frank and Mikey may be on the road, but all the pandas are safe and sound at the Panda House…
Or ARE they?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Frank and Mikey may be on the road, but all the pandas are safe and sound at the Panda House…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Who doesn’t love fish? Oh…right.
Buckle up people.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Yes, it’s that time of year! The grizzly bear equivalent of the Oscars, The World Cup, and The Great British Bake Off, all rolled into one! It’s almost time for the annual Bear Cam!
In honor of this annual display of fish catching excellence, we share from the archives, the story of Frank and Mikey’s trip to their ancestral homelands!
Mr Poppee would never disappoint Bikkie!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
I mean, right?
I’ve been listening to the hearing as I feverishly finish my last painting for my upcoming painting show! All I can say is… THEY DID IT! THEY DID IT! I feel like this is rather a hair on fire kind of moment.
I think Bikkie thinks it is too.
Keep listening to the hearings, check your voter registration and VOTE.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
I can’t believe we need to remind people not to do this. There is more and more information that invading the personal space of a wild animal is a really bad idea. It can endanger the wild animals, not to mention, they might decide to eat you.
More to come from our exclusive ZooNooz coverage of the hearings about Mittens Coup attempt! Be there or be the bear!
Panda On
Bob T Panda
I hope you are making your popcorn, gathering all your stuffy pandas, and mixing up a Sister Mary Fluffy sized pitcher of adult beverages. We’re going to need it. We already kinda know what happened: TFG went into overturn the election/overthrow democracy mode even before the election was called for Joe Biden.
The House Select Committee on January 6th has been gathering the receipts and the stories of those involved, of those who were on the scene of the greatest (and by “greatest“, I mean WORST) debacle in US history.
You’re going to hear from many people during these hearings, and as hard as it will be to watch, I think we must watch or listen to as much as we can bear. History is being made and we have no idea if justice will prevail.
Bikkie is on the job and so are Frank and Mikey! What could possibly go wrong?
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
It’s time for the hearings from the January 6th Committee, and I am HERE for it. Of course, ZooNooZ is covering it as only they can! I hope enough people who haven’t been following this as obsessively as some of us will watch and be persuaded that maybe, just maybe, there are some people who might not be telling the whole truth. Mitten’s Big Lie is a whopper!
Who could resist answering question from a baby panda in a dinosaur costume? Are Republicans heartless??? (you don’t need to answer that!)
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
I always felt that Bubba was something of an intellectual. Perhaps he will major in English Literature in college!
Meanwhile, Pinky is all “is dis a dagger I sees before me right before I stick it into your…” just before Mommee Mei sends her to her room for a time out. Meanwhile did you you hear something go “poof”????
I hope you have been able to forget for a few minutes, while you read this ‘toon, the live action 3-D full immersion via the GQP, into the Handmaid’s Tale.
Yeah…me neither.
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
What could be better than a poem by Bikkie?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda