Tag Archives: Bubba

Life in the Panda House continues…

I’m listening to a podcast story (What a Day!) and they are relating a news story about a guy who was so rude on an airplane (physically assaulting two flight attendants) that the flight crew duct taped him to his seat.

I have questions!

Did they gag him too? If so, was it before or after he yelled something on the order of “Do you know who my parents are?” And can we do this to certain members of Congress who insist on saying stupid things, while interrupting the legislative process?

Hey! I’m just asking questions!

But meanwhile at the Panda House…

For more about why they need a fresh set of sheets on the guest room bed, see Tuesday’s ‘toon!

Stay ‘tooned next week for the next exciting episode of The Panda Chronicles!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

July 29 is not only the Wu Self’s birthday…

It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.

Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!

So get some poppy corn, mebbee a bootini, and sit back to enjoy a little story we called “Pinky’s Dream!”

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

We shall see what we shall see! Till next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I bet you thought we forgot!

I wasn’t referring to my tardiness with this ‘toon, but I guess that applies too. What with all the excitement about Frank and Mikey’s family trip, I bet you thought I forgot that BeBe Maurice was coming to visit the DC pandas, and also that Mei Xiang’s sister Lun Lun foisted off the twins, Six & Sebben, on her.

Is that the doorbell I hear?

Whoever could it be? Fun art note, in my rough draft, I just had the doorbell ringing once, but then I thought, how would Mei know that it was Six & Sebben? I think the solution was obvious.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Remembering those we have lost…

It’s been a year, hasn’t it? And that doesn’t even include the previous 4 years as we descended into madness of the former guy’s reign of terror.

Fezbook likes to sideswipe you with memories from years past, and so my post about the passing of the real life Mehitabel popped up, from January of 2017. She put in her time and then some, living almost to her 21st birthday. She managed to avoid coyotes, owls, and raccoons that call my woodland their home.

Mehitabel at 16. Still a beauty…

I will miss you forever, my beautiful kitty girl.

During that month, as we anticipated the incoming former guy, with a lot of trepidation, we also experienced a day of solidarity and joy as all over the world we marched to say, we are watching you. Even my little town of Langley had a massive turnout, despite many people (4 bus loads if I remember correctly) headed into Seattle for an even bigger march.

Women’s March, Langley edition!

In the final year of the former guy’s assault on democracy (is it the final year? Seems like he is still assaulting us;) we lost over 600,000 to a worldwide pandemic, which, among TFG’s many crimes, the crime of letting the pandemic run almost unopposed was one of his worst. So many families were torn apart as their loved ones died in hospitals, unable to be together or mourn their losses with family members.

The panda community lost one of our own, not to Covid, but to a bad heart, which is kind of ironic, since Jayelle had one of the biggest hearts I’ve come into contact with on these interwebs.

I made this series of ‘toons in her memory:

Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!
What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?
That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!

2020 did have one bright spot…well, at least two that I can think of. The first was our own little miracle cubby born at the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC, who just made his public debut about a month ago, and is already wowing the crowds.

Is there anything more fun than watching Bike play wit Mommee or even just roll around in the den by himself?

And the real life Bao Bao (Princess Pinky to her Panda Chronicle fans)had a cubby in her new home in China. alas, as an inexperienced mom, they decided her cubby would do better with an adopted family with an experienced mom and a brother. Fortunately for us, they have their own panda cam, so we can watch her antics.

It left me with a dilemma, since I have chosen to keep Pinky a perpetual teenager, living at home with her family. Hey. It’s fiction. I can do anything I want. I mean Charlie Brown was six for like 75 years, okay?

But there is more than one way to..um… well, you know.

What could be more delightful than ANOTHER baby Pinky?

It’s been a very hard year for so many, and a hard lifetime for so many more. I’m not sure where we go from here when so many people are so insistent on denying the reality of the former guy’s loss. The events of January 6, 2021 weigh heavily on my brain. The centuries of racism and the continuing assaults on Black, Latin, and Asian people in this country hurt my very core. The GOP led states who are even now passing voter suppression bills to amplify the harms done, make me wonder if there is any hope for humanity.

Could we learn to be better people? It sure doesn’t seem like that’s the direction we’re headed in. I’m waiting for those who have the power to make laws, to practice justice, to do their jobs and use their power to help people and not just find ways to hold onto that power.

Sorry to be kind of down tonight.

Call your Congress folks,
Get your vaccine,
Work for social justice.

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Was it all a Dream?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real.

Are we all having a mass delusion or what?

Meanwhile, back at the real SNZ, Bikkie seems to be taking the throngs of real life visitors in stride, or at least in cubby trot! So just remember, when real life gets too surreal, there is always the panda cam!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Secret Life of Felties

Who would have guessed my creative journey would have taken me into the realm of needle felted pandas, or even Panda Satire? Certainly not me! When I was in art school, back in the days when you could get a college education for less than the price of a house, if you were a painting student, you PAINTED! Nothing else was acceptable! You did not “waste” your talents on such frivolous pursuits as Panda Satire, for crying out loud!

For some number of years, I held to those principles. Eventually the realities of a more regular cash flow lead me down the path of printmaking (etching to start). Eventually I embraced other forms of printmaking, such as lithography, monoprint, and monotype. One of the universal truths I discovered was that all forms of making art have something to offer, and each technique you add to your tool box, circles back around and makes the other forms you practice stronger.

Working on black and white etchings made my paintings much stronger, with greater attention to composition and light an dark values.

This all has a point

The recession of 2008 hit me hard, and I needed something to cheer me up. Pandas were the answer. I don’t know what the question is. What I do know, is that one thing leads to another: panda satire lead to starting to write children’s book (another pursuit which has a long way to reach its conclusion) and it also led to making needle felted pandas.

Every bear has a story

Some of the stories are mine, but the felty panda troop inspires stories in the people who welcome them into their homes. I am honored to be entrusted with some of these stories, and rather than my usual dive into the archives today, I am going to share some of the photos sent to me by a lover of the felty bears. They have added their own touch to the settings, and as one who has always loved dollhouse miniatures, the exquisite details they have added to the scenes thrill me no end!

Enjoy these Felty Dioramas!

Frank ponders the readiness of his toasted marshymallow. Fortunately, ice cream sandwiches, lemonade, and hot dogs provide a back up, should the marshmallow be burned beyond recognition!
Pinky ponders the speed limits of her new cubvertable
The Meihems attempt to catch a ride! “No room!” Pinky says! “you’ll crush my tutu”
“Where to,” says Frank!
Bert: well, if Pinky won’t give us a ride, we’ll have ice cream without her!
Ernie: and some cuppycakes!
Mikey prepares a treat at the Panda Chronicles company Picnic, while Larry looks on and gives toasting advice!
Frank and Mikey have nabbed the cubvertable, but not for long!
Frank and Mikey, kicking back at the company picnic
Meanwhile, Pinky is off on a joyride! I wonder how fast this thing goes?
After the party, some of the cubbies settle in for a slumber party!

I hope you enjoyed these felty dioramas! It’s never too late to have a panda party at your house!

Be The Bear
Bob T Panda

The Exciting Finale of Pinky’s Dream…

Or IS it????

when dreams become nightmares!

What does this mean for the Panda Chronicles! Has PPJ (Princess Pinky Junior) arrived out of an alternative future to live with all the pandas at the Panda House? And now Beary Poppins has gone off on vacation? Is Mei doomed to a never emptying nest?

Stay ‘tooned to the Panda Chronicles to find out!

This Doctor Panda is on the job at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio! As you can see, they have excellent credentials!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

You know you should never ask Pinky!

Thank you to my talented web guru, I once again have the Classic Editor to set upon my posts. He put in a different plugin to allow me to have my luddite tendencies a bit longer. It does seem to be doing this strange thing once again. where I lose the connection temporarily, but it does seem to allow me to keep typing.

I don’t know. It’s all a mystery to me.

But Meanwhile, here is Pinky, once again, with all the answers!

Will Mei ever learn that it doesn’t pay to ask Pinky anything?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Maybe I Should Ask Pinky How to Fix the Computer….

I seem to be having some technical difficulties, but hopefully, they will sort themselves out (and by themselves, I mean my very capable and accessible web guru, Nate Hoffelder who writes The Digital Reader and has a web guru business)

I wonder if some of my problems are due to my reluctance to give up the old editing interface that I’ve been using for the past 10 years, and move on to the new WordPress way of doing things….sigh…

Anyway….Pinky still has more questions to answer!

I wonder “who” the mysterious advice seeker is!

I am trying the newfangled editing thingie, and I guess I don’t totally hate it. Maybe I will even get used to it in a few weeks!

Till then…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Beware the Ides of March!

Oops. The Ides of March (whatever the heck they are) were yesterday. I’m more concerned with the Ides of April (aka tax day)! Maybe we should be more worried about the Ides of Pinky!

But fast on the heels of the Ides, comes National Panda Day! No, I am not making this up. (Some people would say that EVERY day is panda day, and you know? They might be right!)

Let’s Ask Pinky!

Pinky has another great idea!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda