Tag Archives: Bubba

You Know What Today Is!

Yes, it’s the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, here in most of the USA, and you know what THAT means!

Yes, it’s time for THIS ‘toon!

Sunday Funday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

I crack me up!

There are more ‘toons to come, but first…Last week the world of children’s literature lost one of it’s greatest practitioners, Norton Juster.

If you don’t recognize the name, run, don’t walk to your favorite bookstore, and buy your very own copy of The Phantom Tollbooth. TPT is one of those books. Published in 1961, I read it for the first time a few years after that. For years afterward, I could remember little snippets, but could never quite remember the title, or when I had read it, but the magic of this book never quite let go. When I found it again, it was as if I had been shown the entrance to a magical place, not unlike tasing through the tollbooth itself.

There are so many great books being written for children and teens right now. But I re-read The Phantom Tollbooth every year or so, because it never fails to reveal something new, that I really need to know. I hope you already love this book, but if you don’t know it, what are you waiting for?

And now, more pandas! (Expect the Panda Kindergarten!)

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

Twinkies 2.0

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

I have extra frosting!

Today, you are a bear.

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

After all, the playings the thing….

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

It’s the Year of the…um…

We often get to things later, rather than sooner, but we usually get to them sooner or later! So p[ut your paws together, and give a warm Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire Lunar New Year HUZZAH! for…

The Year of the Ox! ( As presented by the Panda Kindergarten!)

Moooove it along, little cowpoke!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

No matter where the time goes, it’s always Bikkie Time!

How the heck did THAT happen? I turn my back for one minute and suddenly, February is almost over. I mean, I KNOW it is the shortest month and everything, but is it really supposed to be THIS short????

But since time in Pandyland is somewhat…shall we say…flexible, we will soon have the Panda Kindergarten presentation for this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration (Which was cancelled the  last two years because snakes and rats!!!) I can’t wait to see what the little darlings have up their paws, under the inestimable guidance of the leader of the Pandy Kindy, Bob T Panda!

But now, with no further ado….heeeeeeere’s Bikkie!

Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Can we agree that Minch McTurtle is a jerk?

So many dolts, so little time! It is hard to imagine how the junior senator from Texas thought it was in ANY way appropriate to go jetting off to Cancun while most of his state was
A) freezing
B) without electricity or natural gas
C) without water, drinkable or otherwise.

His pathetic excuse of an apology tour on right wing propaganda “news” shows, demonstrates just how completely clueless he is. And this on the heels of his aiding and abetting The Big Lie, which contributed to Mittens attempt at armed insurrection. I’m sure there will have to be a ‘toon about this, but meanwhile…

Minch McTurtle attempts to have it both ways…

Two headed, two faced…why is he still here?


I’m glad most of my Texas friends have checked in to let me know there are okay. Please feel free to chime in in the comments. I know that there are more of you out there in Pandyland.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

NOOZFLASH!!! Frank says this was definitely NOT HIM!!!!

I had an idea, but I left it somewhere else!

This happens to me all the time. I’ll be doing something or reading stuff on Twidder or Fezbook, and I’ll get a great idea for Sunday’s encore presentation of ‘toons. Then I get on the computer and I realize I’ve completely forgotten my very good, perfect, incredibly brilliant idea for Sunday’s post.

I am a bear of very little brain…

Oh! I just remembered one thing (the bear of little brain having jogged my memory): There have been new reports and camera sightings of the albino panda that has been seen in China! We did a ‘toon about him/her when they were first seen on camera in 2019.

I’m not a snowflake. You are a snowflake!

Which leads me to thinking about the injustice of wildlife cameras spying on pandas!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

And not only wild pandas are being spied on…

What’s that blinking red light over there?

I has no sekrets!!!!

And then the ‘toon about Snowflake also made me think of…

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

Fortunately, all is quiet at the panda house! Have a relaxing (Mittens free) Sunday!

Mei and Tian2 contemplate the joys of the not very empty nest. (Grizzly bears take up a lot of room!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Well PINKY thought it was a good idea!

While it doesn’t have anything to do with pandas, as I sit at my computer, getting ready to write this post, an owl (maybe two) is (are?) hooting in the woods behind my house! Life in the 5 Acre Wood is never dull!

Meanwhile, Pinky has hatched yet another plan to cash in on another younger sibling’s adorable self. Will she get away with it? Who knows! The idea for this series came from Twidder friend Boo Boo Panda ( @BooBooPanduh on Twidder) who likes to make videos from the panda cam footage, and put them to music. She always comes up with great music/video combinations and they are so much fun to watch.

She wanted to make a workout video for Bikkie, masterminded and produced by Pinky, and asked if I could do a related ‘toon. The previous two ‘toon postings and today’s ‘toon are the result!. You can watch her video HERE! I hope you enjoy it!

And now…Pinky Presents….

See, Mommee! No tigers!

Hee Hee! Just like a Jane Fonda workout video, am I right??

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Pinky has a plan: we Pinky Promise!

Who remembers Pinky Promises? You hook pinkies with whoever you are making the promise to, and say, “I pinky promise!” Somehow, I suspect it has another meaning when Pinky says it.

Who thinks Mommee Mei is suspicious of this promise?

Just what does Pinky have up her sleeve?…um…paw?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Happy Lunar Valentine’s Day!

Yes, we are in the midst of the Lunar New Year Celebration, AND today is Valentine’s Day! Meanwhile, the real life  Princess Pinky has had her first cubby and it is a Princess! Princess Pinky Jr. shares (not dat word, mommee!) her birthday with the Real Wu Self, July 29th! Pinky Jr. seems to be in good paws with a foster mommy. Alvin of My Panda Tours gave us some good information about this over on FezBook, in case you follow him there.

In any case, this is not an uncommon state for first time panda moms. From all reports Pinky Jr. is doing well and the picture I saw of her is so cute! Get that cubby a magical wand!

But now, by popular request, (and because I was going to do this anyway) let’s have a round up of previous Lunar New Years with the Panda Kindergarten ‘toons!

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but…


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

How much is that doggie in da window…

And just a little Valentines’ day ‘toon!

Aw, Pinky…Bubba loves you!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda


Pinky has a plan!

A better question might be, when does Pinky NOT have a plan? You have to admire such tenacity! (Mei Xiang: That’s one name for it…)

What could be better than a little distraction via pandas from the current Impeachment circus?

I have no idea why Mommee Mei ALWAYS suspects Pinky!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

All’s Well That Ends?

While we have a new President (no quotation marks needed!) I’m afraid we have not seen the last of Mittens. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? I’m tempted to run a post of Mittens’ greatest hits, but, well, he doesn’t have any!

There is news on the Panda Chronicles Collection front! I am hard at work on Book 9, and hope to have it in shape to submit to my self publishing vehicle in another week or so. Stay tuned!

And now, here is a little assortment for our Sunday ‘toon fest, of February ‘toons through the years!

Ever wondered where all these pandas came from?

How splendiferous is chocolate? Let me count the ways

What do you mean by “was?”

The Life of PIE….get it? *chortle chortle*

Bao Bao is unhappy

Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?

Have you heard? the real Pinky is now a mommy! 

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

it’s the panda, the panda season of love!


“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang

In fact, not only was as bad as we thought it would be, it was worse.

Wee are pandas too!!!!

WEll, it COULD have been a hunt of Mittens Jr.!

I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! Stay ‘tooned for more new ‘toons this week!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda