Tag Archives: Bubba

Trick…or Trick???

Update from Buy Stuff with Pandas!:

I just added 3 layer fitted masks to my Redbubble store! Here’s the ;ink where you can search for your favorite designs and see if the masks are available in that design (The formatting did not work for all designs, because of the fitted nature of the masks.) Mask up everyone!

It’s the time of year when little ghosts and goblins go marauding around neighborhoods demanding treats. Alas, not this year, I don’t think. But oddly enough, candy sales are UP! mI have *no* idea why that might be the case.

In honor of the holiday to come here are some of my favorite halloween ‘toons!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!


“It was just a suggestion”

all pandas eve

Okay. That was just WAY too scary.


Ha ha! That Pinky is so clever!

all pandas eve

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!

Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Even a year ago things were getting scary!

I can’t believe Bob’s costume didn’t fool anyone!

Oh, and if I haven’t mentioned it 47 times already in the last day…


Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s not too late to order Halloween Pandas!

Pretty scary, huh?

Does This Hat Make Me Look Fluffy?

Anyone else getting overly anxious the closer we get to Election Day? No? Just me? Ha ha ha! Yeah, I know. Well, make yourself some cocoa with lots of marshymallows and whippy cream (YES BOTH!!!) and get ready for the next episode of…

Beary Poppins!!!

This hat doesn’t make me look…um…too fluffy does it?

Photos of new felty pandas coming…um…soon!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I voted today Panda

The Panda Abides

Here we are: two weeks to the final day of voting. Can we even call it Election Day when early and mail-in voting lasts for weeks? No matter. At 8 PM PDT the last ballot will fall and we will see what we will see. While I know we are all hoping for results that night, and a decisive victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we might not know that night or for more than a week. We know the craziness of HWMNBN will ramp up, and we will have to endure further.

The only thing that keeps my fragile hold on my sanity is less than 10 pounds of baby panda, my created world of cartoon panda personalities, and of course all of you. Thanks for hanging in there, and for those of you who had to take a break, well, I hope you’ll wander back here at some point.

For now, writing and drawing ‘toons, making felty pandas, and working on a book project (more about that soon) is keeping me lightly tethered to the earth. Winter is setting in here, and the rain and dark are descending.

But it’s time for another installment of Beary Poppins! Huzzah!

Bears are VERY curious!

Be the Bear!
Don’t forget to VOTE!!!
Bob T Panda

Beary Poppins! The Story Continues!

The news is more insane every day. Really, if any writer of dystopian literature showed this script to their editor, the laughter could be heard around the world. Kidnap a governor? Murder hornets? An asteroid predicted to pass REALLY NEAR the earth…on Election Day? A “president” with a potentially deadly disease going around to public events?

Maybe could you pick ONE of these plots? why are you trying to put them all in the same book?


Meanwhile, the story of Beary Poppins continues!!!

The ad is mailed, but Mittens is up to some dirty tricks….But wait! Look who found the mail box!!!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

By the way! new RPG stickers and t-shirts, and mugs and masks over at Redbubble! Huzzah!!!!

wear a mask! RPG has your back!

Beary Poppins: An ad is Written…

And now, for our next episode of Beary Poppins! But who will play the part of the Nanny Beary Poppins??? It’s a mystery! Hee Hee!

And now, on to the next installment! (With apologies to P.L. Travers!)

A spoonful of frosting makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down!

Tune in on Sunday for the first installment of our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu! My favorite Holiday classic! 

Keep swimming!
Bob T Panda

Beary Poppins! The Magic Begins!

There is too much crazy and not enough time to comments, but I’m sure if you really want to know what I thinks, you can find it on Twitter. So much CRAZY!

Meanwhile, at the Pinksonian Zoo..

It’s a boy!!!!

Pinky: I could fix dat if Mommee would give me my magical wand back!

Ahem…anyway, get out the poppy cron! it’s time for…

Beary Poppins, Episode 2!

I can hardly stand the suspense! Who will play Beary Poppins???

Be the bear
Wear your mask
Keep your distance in public
Don’t go to Mittens’ parties!

Bob T Panda

oh yeah…AND VOTE!!!!

A Halloween Carol!

Oh my.

Things are happening. The WH seems to have become a COVID 19 hot spot. I don’t wish the serious symptoms that this disease can bring on anyone. BUT….My sympathy has to be tempered by the utter lack of precautions that this “president” has taken. So many lives have been lost because the lack of attention to pandemic response and planning that was left to them. To choose not to take this seriously was a choice this “president” made.

But we have more important things to talk about!

Our Cubby TBD is 6 weeks old! Eyes are starting to open! Cuteness is happening! Extreme cuteness is happening! And could there be some skullduggery taking place between Zoo Atlanta and The Pinksonian Zoo?:

Six: hey!
Sebben: hey yoorself!
Six: I fink our pannacam is off!
Sebben: no! whoo could has done such a dastardly thing!?!?!

Six and Sebben: PINKY!!!!!!!!!

And now, because it is October, a fabulous full length feature ENCORE PRESENTATION OF A HALLOWEEN CAROL!!!!!

Bubba’s first feature role!

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?


One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?

Hmmm… Pinky still does not seem impressed. Perhaps the ghost of Halloween present will have more influence over her.

Uh oh, the ghost of halloween present just caught up with Pinky…

Was that list in small type, single spaced?

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

Surely you didn’t think she would totally reform, did you?

Be the bear, everyone
And remember:

Wear a mask
Wash your paws with soap and water (don’t just lick them!)
Stay home if you can
Get a flu shot

Bob T Panda!


Hey Kids! It’s time for a new story!!!

From time to time, I like to tell a longer story starring all your favorite pandas. sometimes they are completely made up (like Mr. Wu running away with the panda kindergarten to join the circus) and sometimes I like to riff on an existing old story (like The Wizard of Wu or A Halloween Carol) The important thing is that no pandas get hurt ever, although sometimes they might get bent out of shape, just a bit.

As usual, I am making things up as I go along, a technique beloved of many writers, generally referred to as “pantsing.”

Enjoy our introduction and get ready for some seat of my pants story telling!

Oh boy! Oh boy! A NEW story!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Nobody gets the better of Pinky!

Pinky has a plan for ebbryfing!

Tonight are the debates (but I won’t be watching them.) I think the Cake Party debates were much better than these will be. (although Mittens is just as unhinged.)

Have you learned NOFFING from pinky, boo boo?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Get-YourVoting-Hat-On Panda

Pandas say remember to VOTE!!!

This week we continue to wait to hear about the gender of our nation’s newest baby panda (XT4: dat mee!) AND for the 1ST “presidential” debate. Well, it will be “presidential” on one side and PRESIDENTIAL on the other.

So it seems like a good subject for today’s ‘toon encore presentation roundup should be…

The Panda Debates!!!

But first this!

Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”

If only it was this easy…


cat came back

Is it just my imagination or does Mittens look even more crazed than before?

what do you have to lose?

Mittens is really back.

Pinky had some great ideas in 2016 on cubpaigning!

Pinky, please do not get your brother all wound up!

It’s not a party till the pandas start a brawl!

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

Remember how bad you felt when Mittens won in 2016? Well, that will be nothing compared to how bad you’ll feel on November 4th if he wins again. VOTE EARLY IF YOU CAN, BUT VOTE!!!!

You don’t want to live through this again:

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

Be the Bear
Bob T Are-you-registered-to-vote Panda