Tag Archives: Calvin and Hobbes


Well! It seems that the recent International Incident has been resolved, but I suspect there may be more shenanigans yet to come! After all, this is not the first time Pinky has been involved in a hostage situation! Thanks to Vicky Vladic of VsomethingSpeaks, who reminded me of this, and thus gave me an idea for this Fabulous Furry Friday post. As you know, Friday is the day that we take a look back at panda satire past. Huzzah! We are hostages to the weekend!

Let’s revisit the scene of Pinky’s last indiscretion! (Okay, it’s not the last one…I’ve lost count of how many naughty things she has done, but it is the only time we know of when hostages were involved.)

Excuse me, Mr. Watterson, but....

Excuse me, Mr. Watterson, but….

I love a good art forgery, don't you?

“how does you spell ‘hostage’?”

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

He who laughs last, laughs...um...last.

He who laughs last, laughs…um…last.

We also had a recent techno-glitch, when I made a minor (I thought) change in how the blog landing page was set up. This little insignificant change somehow cancelled the email notification of posts for my subscribers. Oopsie. Being that my technical knowledge is extremely limited, and relies on naps, sugar laden snacks and pushing random buttons, it took a little bit before the problem sorted itself out. At least I think it did. I’ll let you know after my nap. If you missed last Friday’s post, here it is! It is ironic that the glitch happened on Friday the 13th, isn’t it?

Here is a ‘toon that demonstrates my vast technological knowledge:

Lamentations of Luddites lay waste to Linguini.

Lamentations of Luddites lay waste to Linguini….Call 1-800-U-R-LOSER

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Princess Pinky wanted you to see this:

We are sorry to tell you that Inspector Panda was unavoidably detained, just when things were really starting to heat up. He asked me to relay his apologies, but he also reminded me to tell you that he will be back in December for 31 Days of Pandas and that it going to be all about him, at least 5 days a week. So much stuff is about to happen in this story, that I thought it would be more fun to read an installment every day, than to have to wait a week between episodes, so just hold that thought.  I will do a recap in the week before 31 Days of Pandas starts on December 1st, ‘kay?

Meantime, by special request of one of my faithful readers (who I have actually met, while waiting for Princess Pinky to get out of her $#!!@*^% hemlock, on my last visit to Pinky-land) we see just why Pinky is up to up there.

Excuse me, Mr. Watterson, but....

Excuse me, Mr. Watterson, but….

I love a good art forgery, don't you?

Now we know what Pinky does in her hemlock clubhouse!

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

If I was really on top of this whole book promotion thing, I would point out that Book 5 of the Panda Chronicles has just been released, and it is all about Pinky, except when it is about the Meihems, and that you could look at these cartoons as much as you want if you would only hop over to Amazon and order the book.

Just saying.

It's Pink, but still kinda, um...dangerous!

It’s Pink, but still kinda, um…dangerous!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

The Panda Kindergarten Gets Some New Books.

Well, if I am going to live in my imagination, why shouldn’t I imagine that Bill Watterson had read of the panda kindergarten’s dastardly kidnapping deed, and took the appropriate measures for revenge.  Of course, I would expect no less than that the revenge would be perpetrated on the “grown-ups” (such as they are.)

He who laughs last, laughs...um...last.

He who laughs last, laughs…um…last.

Huzzah for the panda kindergarten.  (What…surely you don’t think that I am a grown-up…get real.)

Keep being the bear!

Panda On
Bob T. Panda

It All Falls Apart…

…especially when you have three girls, and two of them are twin sisters.  What? You thought they were all going to get along happily forever? You have obviously never been a pre-adolescent girl, if you thought that. Ah, the shifting loyalties, the tattling on each other…those were the days…

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Sigh…I suppose after the cookie incident, they were waiting to get even.

Meanwhile, pandas are appearing around the interweb in celebration of Pandamorphosis. They have recently made a appearance on Kirby Larson’s blog, Kirby’s Lane. Huzzah!

On Wednesday, Inspector Panda will return to continue his tale of mystery and intrigue. ( Well, we hope so, anyway.)

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda