Yes, it’s Fabulously Furry Friday, once again and being in the middle of 31 Days of Pandas only makes it more FABULOUS! Oh, what a year it’s been, but now the doors of your Indictment Advent Calendar are springing open faster than we can keep up! Who will be the next to sing a song of woe and treason?
Only the “Bob” knows for sure!

April Fools Day has always been my favorite holiday. I know I already ran this one, but I thought, given the latest indictments, it was worth repeating.
I loved this story line, because Bubba got to be the star (at least till Pinky showed up.)

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

There’s always time for another cupcake!!!

So THAT’S how Pinky got there so quickly!

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!
I’m pretty sure Pinky got everyone home safely, because you know what else happens in April…

The only sure things are Pandas and taxes.
The year’s insanity also included some inanity.

Foxxy “News” lies like a rug.

Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.

When the truth is found…
to beeee lies….
Let’s keep Pandaing on, shall we?
Bob T Panda