I was reminded by one of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pandas, that Bob T needed to get off of his fluffy butt and start his campaign against Pinky in the Cake Party primary race!
How could I …I mean HE have forgotten to run?

Don’t listen to Pinky! Vote for BOB!
And speaking of felty pandas…(I was?)
I want to share part of a note I received from one of the recipients of a felty panda:
…So now, there comes an army of tiny bundles of nothing but happiness ! Just as humanity is in such dire need of a force for love in our poor battered world.
I can absolutely see Pinky waving her wand about practically demanding the Virus “Retreat”! 😄😍😍 from her World…
Thank you for this. I might be spending too much time on my own because of this crisis, but it brought tears to my eyes. Wands up, everyone.
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda